LATLos Angeles Times
LATLarge Area Telescope (NASA)
LATLocal Area Transport
LATLatex Agglutination Test (laboratory method)
LATLand Transport Authority (Singapore)
LATLan Accelerating Technology
LATLdap Administration Tool
LATLoad Address Table
LATLanguage of Term
LATLiability Adequacy Test (insurance)
LATLowest Astronomical Tide
LATLiving Apart Together (relationship)
LATLocal Address Table
LATLandes ASten Treffen (German student advocacy)
LATLicensed Athletic Trainer
LATLatest Acceptance Time (shipping)
LATLeaving Air Temperature
LATLower Assessment Threshold (air quality)
LATLinear Algebra Toolkit (mathematics)
LATLocal Apparent Time
LATLand Appreciation Tax
LATLaughing At That
LATLoad Allocation Table (UK)
LATLocal Access Terminal
LATLot Acceptance Test (purchasing tool)
LATLight Anti-Tank
LATLibrary Automation Technologies (est. 2001)
LATLow-Altittude Transport (dropships)
LATLashkar-E-Tayyaba (anti-India insurgent group)
LATLocal Activation Time (electrocardiology)
LATLimited Authority to Teach (instructor approval)
LATLanguage Aptitude Test
LATLinear Attenuation Coefficient
LATLumberman's Association of Texas
LATLand Air Temperature
LATLidocaine, Adrenaline and Tetracaine (topical anesthetic)
LATLife Adjustment Team (mental health)
LATLocal Access Telephony
LATLow-Alarm Threshold
LATLeast Attained Time
LATLiebherr-Aero-Technik GmbH (German corporation)
LATList of Factory Options Available (Sunbeam Tiger Owner's Association)
LATLiquid Apogee Thruster (spacecrafts)
LATLook Ahead Test (seismic recording equipment)
LATLocal Area Telephony
LATLaboratory Assessment Team
LATLigue Anti-Texto (group against SMS language in forums)
LATLogicon Advanced Technology
LATLaser Acquisition & Tracking
LATLook Ahead Technology
LATLogistics Assistance Team