LGMLongmont (Amtrak station code; Longmont, CO)
LGMLast Glacial Maximum
LGMLet's Get Married
LGMLet's Go Mets (New York Mets)
LGMLittle Green Men (Astronomical: first used as the designation for pulsars)
LGMLembaga Getah Malaysia (Malay: Malaysian Rubber Board)
LGMThe Lone Gunmen (X-Files)
LGMLeadership, Governance and Management (UK)
LGMLawful General Merchandise (shipping industry)
LGMLaser Guided Missile
LGMLes Gouvernements Municipaux (French: The Municipal Governments)
LGMLogistics & Maintenance
LGMLoop Group Multiplexer
LGMLow-Grade Moron
LGMLiftgate Module (General Motors)
LGMLaser Guided Munitions
LGMLieutenant Governor for Marketing
LGMGround Launched Missile (military missile designation)
LGMLinear Gauss-Markov
LGMLinearized Green-Function Method
LGMLogistics Guidance Memorandum
LGMLocalization Group Manager