MBMMotherboard Monitor
MBMMeat and Bone Meal (feed)
MBMMeadowbrook Meat (foodservice distributor; Rocky Mount, NC)
MBMMasters in Business & Management (various schools)
MBMMainboard Monitor
MBMMultiservice Bandwidth Manager
MBMMainframe Batch Manager
MBMMulti Bit Map
MBMMedia Bandwidth Management
MBMMachine by Machine
MBMMeat Beat Manifesto (band)
MBMMedia Bandwidth Management (networking)
MBMMarket Based Management
MBMMercedes-Benz Manhattan (New York)
MBMMarket-Based Mechanism
MBMMarket Basket Measure
MBMMarine Birds and Mammals (various organizations)
MBMMarried Black Male
MBMMennonite Board of Missions
MBMMiami Beach Marina (Miami Beach, FL)
MBMMission-Based Management
MBMMagnetic Bubble Memory
MBMManual Berthing Mechanism
MBMMessage Board Moderator
MBMMarshall Bruce Mathers (Eminem, music artist)
MBMMulti-Buoy Mooring
MBMMarusyk, Miller & Swain (intellectual property law firm; Canada)
MBMMicrobial Benthos Method
MBMMoon Beam Media (UK)