Acronym | Definition |
MBS | Manchester Business School |
MBS | Marina Bay Sands (Singapore) |
MBS | Medicare Benefits Schedule (Australia) |
MBS | Microsoft Business Solutions |
MBS | Mortgage-Backed Security |
MBS | Mohammed Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia Crown Prince) |
MBS | Media Business School (EU) |
MBS | Melbourne Business School (Australia) |
MBS | Mortgage-Backed Securitization |
MBS | Maximum Burst Size |
MBS | Memory Base |
MBS | Multi Byte String |
MBS | Mobile Banking Server |
MBS | Mobile Broadcast Solution |
MBS | Multi Boot System |
MBS | Mobile Business Solutions |
MBS | Mobile Banking Service |
MBS | Mega Bits per Second |
MBS | Mobile Base System (International Space Station) |
MBS | Megabits per Second |
MBS | Modified Barium Swallow (diagnostic test) |
MBS | Mind, Body and Spirit |
MBS | Mamut Business Software |
MBS | My Bottom Smarts (blog) |
MBS | Massachusetts Bible Society (est. 1809) |
MBS | Mutual Broadcasting System |
MBS | Management Board Secretariat (Government of Ontario, Canada) |
MBS | Municipal Building Surveyor (Australia) |
MBS | Mountain Brook Schools (Alabama) |
MBS | Monthly Billing Statement (various organizations) |
MBS | Malawi Bureau of Standards (ISO correspondent member) |
MBS | Multibody Simulation (engineering) |
MBS | Mobile Broadband System |
MBS | Meters below Surface (mining measurement) |
MBS | Media Buying Services (various locations) |
MBS | Mobile Base Station |
MBS | Message Board System |
MBS | Marine Biology Simulation |
MBS | Mobile Remote Servicer Base System |
MBS | Master Boot Sector |
MBS | Marge Brute Standard (French: Standard Gross Margin; farm profitibility) |
MBS | Moebius Syndrome |
MBS | Modified Bishop Score (pregnancy) |
MBS | Management and Business Studies (various locations) |
MBS | Multiple Building Selection (Starcraft, real-time strategy game) |
MBS | Methodist Boys' School |
MBS | Modulated Backscatter Signal |
MBS | Mennonite Biblical Seminary |
MBS | Mind, Body Skill |
MBS | Mountain Board Sports |
MBS | Molecular Bonded Shell (Knight Rider TV Show) |
MBS | Marunouchi Brick Square (Tokyo, Japan) |
MBS | Midland / Bay City / Saginaw, MI, USA - Tri-City Airport (Airport Code) |
MBS | Manual Block System (railway) |
MBS | Motor Bus Society |
MBS | Maritime Buoyage System |
MBS | Multiparameter Bioanalytical System (YSI (Yellow Springs Instrument) Life Sciences; Yellow Springs, OH) |
MBS | Marie-Berdine Steyn (photography) |
MBS | Polymethacrylate Butadiene Styrene |
MBS | Metal Boat Society |
MBS | Master Business Systems, Ltd. |
MBS | Meatball Sub |
MBS | Mad Bomber Society (Ska band) |
MBS | Main Bang Suppression |
MBS | Multiple Bird Syndrome |
MBS | Model-Based Sonification (cognitive interaction technology) |
MBS | Mom Behind Shoulder |
MBS | Minimum Basis Set (wave function) |
MBS | Microprocessor Based System |
MBS | Mega Building Systems Ltd |
MBS | Mission Base Staff |
MBS | Multi-Block Synchronization (ITU-T) |
MBS | Modular Boot System (footware configured for different temperate zones) |
MBS | Macross Broadcasting System (Mainichi Houzou) |
MBS | Mission Bit Stream |
MBS | Millions of Bytes per Second |
MBS | Meteor Burst Station |
MBS | Mounted Battle Space |
MBS | Michigan State Button Society |
MBS | Model-Based Specification |
MBS | Microbial Bioreactor Systems |
MBS | Message Billing System |
MBS | Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament (USA) |
MBS | Management By Subscription |