MBSManchester Business School
MBSMarina Bay Sands (Singapore)
MBSMedicare Benefits Schedule (Australia)
MBSMicrosoft Business Solutions
MBSMortgage-Backed Security
MBSMohammed Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia Crown Prince)
MBSMedia Business School (EU)
MBSMelbourne Business School (Australia)
MBSMortgage-Backed Securitization
MBSMaximum Burst Size
MBSMemory Base
MBSMulti Byte String
MBSMobile Banking Server
MBSMobile Broadcast Solution
MBSMulti Boot System
MBSMobile Business Solutions
MBSMobile Banking Service
MBSMega Bits per Second
MBSMobile Base System (International Space Station)
MBSMegabits per Second
MBSModified Barium Swallow (diagnostic test)
MBSMind, Body and Spirit
MBSMamut Business Software
MBSMy Bottom Smarts (blog)
MBSMassachusetts Bible Society (est. 1809)
MBSMutual Broadcasting System
MBSManagement Board Secretariat (Government of Ontario, Canada)
MBSMunicipal Building Surveyor (Australia)
MBSMountain Brook Schools (Alabama)
MBSMonthly Billing Statement (various organizations)
MBSMalawi Bureau of Standards (ISO correspondent member)
MBSMultibody Simulation (engineering)
MBSMobile Broadband System
MBSMeters below Surface (mining measurement)
MBSMedia Buying Services (various locations)
MBSMobile Base Station
MBSMessage Board System
MBSMarine Biology Simulation
MBSMobile Remote Servicer Base System
MBSMaster Boot Sector
MBSMarge Brute Standard (French: Standard Gross Margin; farm profitibility)
MBSMoebius Syndrome
MBSModified Bishop Score (pregnancy)
MBSManagement and Business Studies (various locations)
MBSMultiple Building Selection (Starcraft, real-time strategy game)
MBSMethodist Boys' School
MBSModulated Backscatter Signal
MBSMennonite Biblical Seminary
MBSMind, Body Skill
MBSMountain Board Sports
MBSMolecular Bonded Shell (Knight Rider TV Show)
MBSMarunouchi Brick Square (Tokyo, Japan)
MBSMidland / Bay City / Saginaw, MI, USA - Tri-City Airport (Airport Code)
MBSManual Block System (railway)
MBSMotor Bus Society
MBSMaritime Buoyage System
MBSMultiparameter Bioanalytical System (YSI (Yellow Springs Instrument) Life Sciences; Yellow Springs, OH)
MBSMarie-Berdine Steyn (photography)
MBSPolymethacrylate Butadiene Styrene
MBSMetal Boat Society
MBSMaster Business Systems, Ltd.
MBSMeatball Sub
MBSMad Bomber Society (Ska band)
MBSMain Bang Suppression
MBSMultiple Bird Syndrome
MBSModel-Based Sonification (cognitive interaction technology)
MBSMom Behind Shoulder
MBSMinimum Basis Set (wave function)
MBSMicroprocessor Based System
MBSMega Building Systems Ltd
MBSMission Base Staff
MBSMulti-Block Synchronization (ITU-T)
MBSModular Boot System (footware configured for different temperate zones)
MBSMacross Broadcasting System (Mainichi Houzou)
MBSMission Bit Stream
MBSMillions of Bytes per Second
MBSMeteor Burst Station
MBSMounted Battle Space
MBSMichigan State Button Society
MBSModel-Based Specification
MBSMicrobial Bioreactor Systems
MBSMessage Billing System
MBSMissionaries of the Blessed Sacrament (USA)
MBSManagement By Subscription