LDLearning Disabled
LDLong Distance
LDLow Density
LDLethal Dose
LDLabor Day (US holiday)
LDLearning Disability
LDLincoln-Douglas Debate
LDLaser Disc
LDLight Duty
LDLegislative District
LDLaser Diode
LDLyme Disease
LDLearning Design
LDLay Down (engine type)
LDLiver Disease
LDLighting Designer (theatre)
LDLower Division (degree plan)
LDLoading Dock
LDLiberal Democrat (UK)
LDLinkage Disequilibrium (genetics)
LDLeak Detection
LDLine Driver
LDLimited Distribution (medications)
LDLocal Directory
LDLow Down (song title)
LDLeonardo Dicaprio (actor)
LDLlandrindod Wells (postcode, United Kingdom)
LDLady Day
LDLower Denomination
LDLamina Dura (radiology)
LDLet's Dance
LDLarry David
LDLicensed Dietitian
LDLabor and Delivery
LDLiving Dead (gaming clan)
LDLimit of Detection
LDLine of Duty
LDLaw Degree
LDLoading Dose
LDLiquidated Damages (contracts)
LDLight-Dark Cycle
LDLunar Distance (distance between Earth and the Moon)
LDLast Dose
LDLadder Diagram
LDLibrary Loader (Unix)
LDLibyan Dinar (unit of currency)
LDLow Definition
LDLifestyle Design
LDLocal Distribution
LDLine of Departure
LDLucid Dream
LDLiving Donor
LDLactic Dehydrogenase
LDLand Disposal
LDLighting Director (touring musical acts)
LDLandscape Designer
LDLink Dead (gaming)
LDLegionnaire's Disease
LDLaser Designator
LDLogic Diagram
LDLooper's Delight (music resource)
LDLands Department (Hong Kong)
LDLame Ducks (band)
LDLow Drag
LDLarge Drives (Siemens A&D)
LDLarge Deviation
LDLayer Depth
LDLater Dude
LDLimited Deployment
LDLaboratory Development
LDLemon Demon (band)
LDLoop Disconnect (telecommunications)
LDLong Dwell
LDThe Light Dragoons (a British Regiment)
LDLaunch Director
LDListwise Deletion
LDLow Dermal
LDLogic Driver
LDLabor Doula (childbirth)
LDLAN Destination (ATM)
LDLalbhai Dalpatbhai Arts College (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)
LDLine Drawer
LDLittle District
LDLeft Defence
LDLegal Driver
LDLinear Decision
LDLuminescence Detector
LDLight Defense (gaming)
LDLinear Dispersive
LDLoaded Deployability
LDLetter Directive
LDLake Doctor
LDLocate & Destroy
LDLeader Designation
LDLaser Dragoon (Star Kingdoms game)
LDLogistic Demonstration
LDLoser Denial (band)
LDLost Descendant (gaming clan)
LDLocalizer Deviation