Acronym | Definition |
LDA | Limitada (Portuguese; similar to Limited Liability Company) |
LDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis (statistical method) |
LDA | Local Density Approximation |
LDA | Liga Deportiva Alajuelense (Costa Rica football club) |
LDA | Lithium Diisopropylamide |
LDA | Latent Dirichlet Allocation (statistics) |
LDA | Louisiana Dental Association |
LDA | Learning Disabilities Association |
LDA | London Development Agency |
LDA | Lucknow Development Authority (India) |
LDA | Localizer (Type) Directional Aid |
LDA | Latin Dance Academy (UK) |
LDA | Loss Distribution Approach |
LDA | Low Density Area |
LDA | Local Delivery Agent |
LDA | Lyme Disease Association |
LDA | Legal Drinking Age |
LDA | Local Development Agency (various locations) |
LDA | Loss Delay Adjustment Algorithm |
LDA | Local Data Access |
LDA | Load Address |
LDA | Load Accumulator Direct |
LDA | Local Data Acquisition |
LDA | Leading Dimension |
LDA | Lightweight Dependancy Analyzer |
LDA | Letter Drive Access |
LDA | Leading Dimension of the Array |
LDA | Legal Document Assistant |
LDA | Leadership Development Academy |
LDA | Laser Doppler Anemometer |
LDA | Larval Development Assay (microbiology) |
LDA | Leadership Analysis (CIA office) |
LDA | Landing Distance Available |
LDA | Lahore Development Authority |
LDA | Linear Diode Array |
LDA | Load Accumulator (6502 processor instruction) |
LDA | Lithuanian Development Agency (est. 1997) |
LDA | Longbow Digital Arts (est. 1998) |
LDA | Light Double Action (semiautomatic pistols) |
LDA | Loring Development Authority (civilian reuse project) |
LDA | Land Division Application (zoning; various locations) |
LDA | Local Democracy Agency (various locations) |
LDA | Local Directory Assistance |
LDA | Left Displaced Abomasum |
LDA | Land Division Act (Michigan) |
LDA | Locally Determined Assessment (education) |
LDA | Logical Device Address |
LDA | Local Data Area |
LDA | Late-Deafened Adults |
LDA | Last Day of Attendance |
LDA | Lutheran Deaconess Association |
LDA | Latin Dance Australia |
LDA | Louisiana Dietetic Association |
LDA | Large Diameter Auger |
LDA | Late Discovery Adoptee |
LDA | Loss-Delay-Based Adjustment |
LDA | Location-Dependent Address |
LDA | Local Director Acceleration |
LDA | Libertà d'Azione (Freedom of Action Party, Italy) |
LDA | Left Displacement of Abomasum |
LDA | Landing Directional Aid |
LDA | Linear Danger Area (military) |
LDA | London Dressage Association (Canada) |
LDA | Launch Deployment Assembly |
LDA | Limited Depository Account |
LDA | Lambda Delta Alpha (fraternity) |
LDA | Locate Drum Address |
LDA | Locally Distributed Asynchronous (micro-pipeline) |
LDA | Launch and Deployment Authority |
LDA | Lead Development Agent/Agency |
LDA | Lightweight Decontamination Apparatus |
LDA | Letterman Digital Arts Ltd. (San Francisco, CA) |
LDA | Line Driver Amplifier |
LDA | Limited Deployment Authorization |
LDA | Local Dependent Address |
LDA | Local Deliverability Area (power industry) |
LDA | Lithographic Dipole Antenna |
LDA | Lower Dog Auxiliary |
LDA | Land Design Associates, Inc. (Brunswick, GA) |
LDA | Liste des Documents Applicables (French: List of Applicable Documents) |