Acronym | Definition |
LDC | Ligue des Champions (French: League of Champions) |
LDC | Linguistic Data Consortium |
LDC | Lower Division Clerk (various organizations) |
LDC | Lewes District Council (UK) |
LDC | Least-Developed Country |
LDC | Lady Doak College (India) |
LDC | Local Distribution Company |
LDC | Long Day Care (Australia) |
LDC | Literacy Design Collaborative (education) |
LDC | Load Complement |
LDC | Load Conditions |
LDC | Logical Device Component |
LDC | Local Development Centre |
LDC | Less Developed Country |
LDC | Lead Discovery Center (Germany) |
LDC | Lloyds Development Capital (UK) |
LDC | Leadership Development Center |
LDC | Lichfield District Council (UK) |
LDC | Leadership Development Consultant (various organizations) |
LDC | Leonardo Dicaprio (actor) |
LDC | Limited Duration Company |
LDC | Long Distance Carrier (telecommunications) |
LDC | Leadership Development Conference |
LDC | London Dumping Convention |
LDC | Large Diaphragm Condenser (microphones) |
LDC | Long-Distance Call |
LDC | Library and Documentation Centre (various organizations) |
LDC | Life Development Center (various locations) |
LDC | Loran Data Channel (telecommunications) |
LDC | Lotus Development Corporation |
LDC | Learning Disability Coalition (various locations) |
LDC | Louis Dreyfus Corporation (Netherlands) |
LDC | Local Development Committee |
LDC | Line-Drop Compensation |
LDC | Livestock Development Council |
LDC | Long-Distance Caregiving |
LDC | Least Developing Country |
LDC | Local Distribution Center |
LDC | London Development Centre (UK; mental health) |
LDC | Lot Date Code |
LDC | Loss Data Collection |
LDC | Lead Design Consultant (various industries) |
LDC | Leadership Development Corps |
LDC | Linux Desktop Chooser (computing) |
LDC | Library Diversity Committee (various locations) |
LDC | Last Day Cover (stamp collecting) |
LDC | Land Defense of CONUS |
LDC | Linear Demolition Charge |
LDC | Last Date to Change |
LDC | Lightweight Deployable Communications |
LDC | Latitude Data Computer |
LDC | Larrakia Development Corporation Pty Ltd (Australia) |
LDC | Late-Developing Country |
LDC | Local Door Control |
LDC | Logistics Data Communications |
LDC | Loin du Clavier (French: Away from Keyboard) |
LDC | Logistics Data Center |
LDC | Local Digital Coding |
LDC | Local Defense Center |
LDC | Lane Data Concentrator |
LDC | Land Defense General Committee-Palestine |
LDC | Loop Dipole Capacitor |
LDC | Limited Distributed Checksum |
LDC | Local Distribution Code |
LDC | Lead Dust Collector (silencer of muzzle for firearms) |