Acronym | Definition |
LLD | Doctor of Laws |
LLD | Last Line of Defence (gaming clan) |
LLD | Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (band Genesis album/tour) |
LLD | Learning Lab Denmark |
LLD | Left Lateral Decubitus |
LLD | Lipid-Lowering Drug |
LLD | Leg Length Discrepancy |
LLD | Lower Limit of Detection |
LLD | Low Level Design |
LLD | Lamp Lumen Depreciation (light loss measurement) |
LLD | Leadless Diode |
LLD | Language Learning Disability |
LLD | Lower Level of Detection |
LLD | Liquor Licensing Division (Australia) |
LLD | Lodge Leadership Development |
LLD | Lower Limb Discrepancy (medical condition) |
LLD | Light Limited Duty (US Navy) |
LLD | Life Long Dream |
LLD | Legum Doctor (Latin: Doctor of Laws) |
LLD | Low-Level Dose |
LLD | Low-Loss Dielectric Material |
LLD | Low-Level Discriminator |
LLD | Large Lot Division (zoning) |
LLD | Low Level Dueling (gaming) |
LLD | Learning-Language Disabilities (education) |
LLD | Lupus-Like Disease |
LLD | Low Level Discrete (command type) |
LLD | Low Level Document |
LLD | Labeled Let Down (skate team) |
LLD | London Landlords’ Day (UK) |