LLDDoctor of Laws
LLDLast Line of Defence (gaming clan)
LLDLamb Lies Down on Broadway (band Genesis album/tour)
LLDLearning Lab Denmark
LLDLeft Lateral Decubitus
LLDLipid-Lowering Drug
LLDLeg Length Discrepancy
LLDLower Limit of Detection
LLDLow Level Design
LLDLamp Lumen Depreciation (light loss measurement)
LLDLeadless Diode
LLDLanguage Learning Disability
LLDLower Level of Detection
LLDLiquor Licensing Division (Australia)
LLDLodge Leadership Development
LLDLower Limb Discrepancy (medical condition)
LLDLight Limited Duty (US Navy)
LLDLife Long Dream
LLDLegum Doctor (Latin: Doctor of Laws)
LLDLow-Level Dose
LLDLow-Loss Dielectric Material
LLDLow-Level Discriminator
LLDLarge Lot Division (zoning)
LLDLow Level Dueling (gaming)
LLDLearning-Language Disabilities (education)
LLDLupus-Like Disease
LLDLow Level Discrete (command type)
LLDLow Level Document
LLDLabeled Let Down (skate team)
LLDLondon Landlords’ Day (UK)