LLFLittle League Field (various locations)
LLFLED (Light Emitting Diode) Lighting Fixtures (Morrisville, NC)
LLFLow Level Formatting
LLFLow Level Format
LLFLight Loss Factor (lighting)
LLFLeast Laxity First
LLFLog-Likelihood Function
LLFLandmark Legal Foundation
LLFLittle Loving Friends (small pets)
LLFLobster Liberation Front (UK)
LLFLine Loss Factor (UK energy)
LLFLazar Levine & Felix LLP
LLFLithuanian Labour Federation (Christian trade union)
LLFLusk Legacy Foundation (charity)
LLFLearning and Leadership in Families
LLFLong Lost Friend (Internet slang)
LLFLive Life to the Fullest
LLFLimited Lock Facility
LLFLink Layer Forwarding
LLFLoad Loss Factor
LLFLong-Living Filaments
LLFLimit Load Factor
LLFLaugh Like Freak (polite form)
LLFLake Lavon Fishing (fishing forum)
LLFLoad List File
LLFLove Lives Forever
LLFLongest Latency First
LLFLemmy's Land Forum (video game forum)