Acronym | Definition |
MAST | Marine Science and Technology |
MAST | Maritime Studies (journal; Center for Maritime Research; Netherlands) |
MAST | Marine Academy of Science and Technology |
MAST | Management and Supervisory Training (program) |
MAST | Mathematics and Science Teacher (various schools) |
MAST | Multimission Archive At STSCI |
MAST | Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test |
MAST | Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (Washington state Liquor Control Board) |
MAST | Manitoba Association of School Trustees |
MAST | Mean Annual Soil Temperature |
MAST | Military Anti-Shock Trousers |
MAST | Motif Alignment and Search Tool |
MAST | Mandatory and Statutory Training (National Health Service; UK) |
MAST | Medical Anti-Shock Trousers |
MAST | Metropolitan Ambulance Services Trust |
MAST | Marine Aquarium Society of Toronto (Canada) |
MAST | Multi-Agency Support Team (UK) |
MAST | Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers |
MAST | Measures Affecting Services Trade (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
MAST | Mediterranean Association of Sustainable Tourism |
MAST | Make America Safer Today (Orlando, FL) |
MAST | Maritime and Science Technology High School |
MAST | Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak (UK; nuclear fusion experiment) |
MAST | Mobile Ashore Support Terminal |
MAST | Membrane Applied Science and Technology Center (University of Colorado at Boulder and University of Cincinnati) |
MAST | Multi-Application Sonar Trainer |
MAST | Media Arts, Science, and Technology |
MAST | Maritime Security and Strategic Toolkit (US FEMA) |
MAST | Midwestern Alliance of Sovereign Tribes |
MAST | Mitigation Advisors’ Strategic Tracker (US FEMA) |
MAST | Military Assistance to Safety & Traffic (US Army MEDEVAC civilian assistance) |
MAST | Marine and Science Technology |
MAST | Metro All-Star Scratch Tour |
MAST | Magnetic Annular Shock Tube |
MAST | MILSTAR Advanced Satellite Terminal |
MAST | Maintenance Standardization Team |
MAST | Mission Avionics Systems Trainer |
MAST | Modeling And Simulation Team |
MAST | Major Airframe Static Test |
MAST | Maritime Analysis Support Team (US Coast Guard) |
MAST | MICAP Automated Status Tracking |
MAST | Multi-Int Analysis Software Toolset |
MAST | Missile Automatic Supply Technique |
MAST | Meteorological Automated Sensors and Transceiver |
MAST | Maintenance Standardisation Teams (Europe) |
MAST | Maryland Advanced Speakers Toastmasters |
MAST | Mobile Army Surgical Team |
MAST | Microcomputer Authoring System Trainer |
MAST | Marine Atmosphere Science and Technology |
MAST | Mobile Acoustic Spatial Target |
MAST | Madison Area Scratch Tour |
MAST | Medical Augmentation Support Team |
MAST | Monopulse Anti-Sidelobe Technique |
MAST | Maritime Archeology Survey Techniques |
MAST | Maximum Allowable Stem Torque (ball valves) |
MAST | Managed Auction Services of Texas (Spring, TX) |