Acronym | Definition |
MACE | Major Adverse Cardiac Events |
MACE | Military Acute Concussion Evaluation (standardized mental status exam) |
MACE | Middleware Architecture Committee for Education |
MACE | Multicriteria Analysis for Concept Evaluation |
MACE | Middeck Active Control Experiment |
MACE | Master of Arts in Christian Education |
MACE | Workshop on Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments (IEEE Workshop) |
MACE | Midamerica Commodity Exchange |
MACE | Malone Antegrade Continence Enema |
MACE | Maruti Centre for Excellence (India) |
MACE | Martial Arts Center of Excellence (USMC) |
MACE | Minimum Area Crutchless Ejector |
MACE | Mathematics and Computer Education (Journal) |
MACE | Member of the Australian College of Education |
MACE | Mild Acute Concussive Evaluation |
MACE | Metro Association of Classroom Educators |
MACE | Multistatic ASW Capability Enhancement (US Navy) |
MACE | Middleware Architectural Committee for Education |
MACE | Modeling Autonomic Communications Environments (IEEE workshop) |
MACE | Macintosh Application Compatibility Environment |
MACE | Military Airlift Capability Estimator |
MACE | Multipurpose Automatic Control Equipment |
MACE | Military Air Cargo Export System |
MACE | Multinational Airlift Coordination Element |
MACE | Mobilization AVCRAD Control Element |
MACE | Military Airlift Center, Europe |
MACE | Maintenance Analysis Checkout Equipment |
MACE | Member of American College of Epidemiology |
MACE | Massive Analysis of cDNA (Complementary Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Ends (genetics) |
MACE | MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force) Augmentation Command Element (USMC) |
MACE | Mission Adaptive Combat Ensemble |
MACE | Maximum Allowable Consecutive Exposures |
MACE | Missouri Association of Code Enforcement |
MACE | Multi-Agency Collaboration Environment (government employment) |