Acronym | Definition |
ACIP | Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices |
ACIP | Advisory Council on Intellectual Property |
ACIP | American Council on International Personnel |
ACIP | Asian Classics Input Project |
ACIP | Aviation Career Incentive Pay |
ACIP | Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot |
ACIP | Airport Capital Improvement Program |
ACIP | Association des Cadres de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique |
ACIP | Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples |
ACIP | American College of International Physicians |
ACIP | Aerodynamic Coefficient Identification Package (NASA) |
ACIP | Arts and Culture Indicators in Community Building Project |
ACIP | Arizona Counties Insurance Pool (Phoenix, AZ) |
ACIP | Augered Cast-In-Place Piles (construction foundations) |
ACIP | Association of Counter-Intelligence Professionals |
ACIP | ATM Cable Interface Processor |
ACIP | Assembly Configuration and Integration Panel |
ACIP | Aerodynamic Coefficient Instrumentation Package (Space Shuttle) |
ACIP | Automated COSAL Improvement Program |
ACIP | Air Characteristics Improvement Panel |
ACIP | Air Conditioning Improvement Program |
ACIP | Armament Control Indicator Panel |
ACIP | Attack Center Indicator Panel |