LHDLeft Hand Drive
LHDAmphibious Assault Ship (Multipurpose)
LHDLocal Health Department
LHDLeft Heart Disease (pulmonary hypertension)
LHDLexus Hybrid Drive
LHDMultipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship
LHDLoad-Haul-Dump (underground mining vehicle)
LHDLexus Hybrid Drive (cars)
LHDLanding Helicopter Dock
LHDLife, Health and Disability (insurance)
LHDLarge Height Deviation (aviation)
LHDLeft Hand Dominant
LHDLeft-Handers Day
LHDLinear Heat Detector
LHDLitterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of Human Letters)
LHDLarge Helical Device project
LHDLanding Helicopter Dock Ship
LHDLinear High Density
LHDLeft Hip Disarticulation
LHDLeadership and Human Development
LHDLightweight Helmet Development
LHDLow Harmonic Distortion