Acronym | Definition |
MMP | Mitochondrial Membrane Potential |
MMP | Mixed Member Proportional (New Zealand electoral system) |
MMP | Matrix Metalloproteinase (enzymes related to tissue healing/remodeling and cancer cell metastasis) |
MMP | Mazda Motor de Portugal |
MMP | Mass Market Paperback (bookbinding format) |
MMP | Milk and Milk Products |
MMP | Moore Microprocessor Patent (intellectual property portfolio) |
MMP | Miller Motorsports Park (Tooele, UT) |
MMP | Minute Maid Park (Houston, TX) |
MMP | Metal Mind Productions (est. 1987; Polish record label) |
MMP | Medical Marijuana Program (various locations) |
MMP | Multilink Multi Chassis Ppp |
MMP | Multi Media Programming |
MMP | Mastering Microsoft Project |
MMP | Multi Media Player |
MMP | Memory Management Processor |
MMP | Memory Management Program |
MMP | Mixed Model Plan |
MMP | Managed Mail Protection |
MMP | Multichassis Multilink Ppp |
MMP | Mass Media Production |
MMP | Multi-man Publishing |
MMP | Mitigation Monitoring Program |
MMP | Multimedia Player |
MMP | Millennium Mathematics Project |
MMP | Marsh Monitoring Program (Canada) |
MMP | Marine Mammal Program (various organizations) |
MMP | Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid |
MMP | Marian Movement of Priests |
MMP | Mission Mode Project |
MMP | Modern Management Practices (various organizations) |
MMP | Military Mounted Police (UK) |
MMP | Medical Marijuana Patient |
MMP | Multichassis Multilink PPP (protocol) |
MMP | Made Mangku Pastika (governor of Bali) |
MMP | Multi-Mission Platform |
MMP | Methylmercaptopropionaldehyde |
MMP | Money Management Program |
MMP | Mercury Music Prize |
MMP | Merchant Marine Personnel (US Coast Guard) |
MMP | Media Mobilizing Project (Philadelphia, PA) |
MMP | Mew Mew Power (Anime) |
MMP | Manufacturing Materials and Processes (Ohio) |
MMP | Maintenance Management Professional |
MMP | Mainstream Media Project (Arcata, CA) |
MMP | Morehead Medical Plaza (Charlotte, NC) |
MMP | Macquarie MEAG Prime (real estate; Singapore) |
MMP | Maine Mountain Power (utility; Yarmouth, ME) |
MMP | Mastering Microsoft Project (computing) |
MMP | Magnetic Mapping Payload |
MMP | Mitsubishi Motors de Portugal (est. 1989) |
MMP | Multiple Medical Problems |
MMP | Monthly Maintenance Plan |
MMP | Museum Management Plan |
MMP | Merchant Marine Personnel Division (US Navy) |
MMP | Música Moderna Portuguesa |
MMP | Mass Mailing Program (software) |
MMP | Maintenance Management Plan |
MMP | Monitoring Master Plan |
MMP | Modular Mission Payload |
MMP | Minuteman MEECN Program |
MMP | Multiple Modus Ponens (expanded form of argument) |
MMP | Master Mobilization Plan |
MMP | Maintenance Monitor Panel |
MMP | Mobility Management Procedures |
MMP | Mounted Military Police (Australia) |
MMP | Multiple Multi-Pole (algorithm) |
MMP | Moisture Management Plan (real estate maintenance) |
MMP | Magyar Munkáspárt (Hungarian Workers' Party) |
MMP | My Mileage Plus (United Airlines) |
MMP | National Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots of North America |
MMP | Micro-Mode Products Inc. |
MMP | Meet Me Page (telecommunications) |
MMP | Magnetospheric Multiprobes |
MMP | Mates, Masters, and Pilots Association |
MMP | Montana Methamphetamine Project |
MMP | Master Manufacturing Procedure |
MMP | Microcat Messaging Protocol |
MMP | Modem Management Protocol |
MMP | Meshcom Mesh Protocol |
MMP | Meteorological Program |
MMP | Minor Machine Pitch |
MMP | Maintenance & Modernization Program |
MMP | Mobilization Master Plan |
MMP | Microprogrammable Multi-Processor |
MMP | Missile Monitor Power |
MMP | Modular Mounting Panel |
MMP | Margaret Morrison Plaza (Carnegie Mellon University) |
MMP | Multipurpose Plenum (cable) |
MMP | Munitions Movement Plan |
MMP | Masters in Management Program |
MMP | Magnetic Media Productions LTD |
MMP | Master in Medical Physics |