Acronym | Definition |
MMR | Mumps, Measles, Rubella (vaccine) |
MMR | Measles, Mumps, Rubella |
MMR | Mismatch Repair (DNA) |
MMR | Massachusetts Military Reservation |
MMR | Match Making Rating (gaming) |
MMR | Major Molecular Response |
MMR | Maternal Mortality Rate |
MMR | Malaysian Medical Resources (est. 1996) |
MMR | Multi Master Replication |
MMR | Multi Media Recording |
MMR | Multi Media Router |
MMR | Multi Mode Receiver |
MMR | Burma (ISO Country code, now Myanmar) |
MMR | Modified Modified Read |
MMR | Multi-Mode Receiver |
MMR | Mass Market Retailers |
MMR | Middle Mississippi River |
MMR | Marc's Modified Ringer's (laboratory solution) |
MMR | Meet Me Room (point of interconnection in a video/audio conferencing session |
MMR | Multi Mode Radar |
MMR | Molzer Mowery Racing (Golden Valley, MN) |
MMR | Master of Marketing Research (University of Georgia) |
MMR | Mildly Mentally Retarded (mildly developmentally disabled is preferred) |
MMR | Master Model Railroader (NMRA) |
MMR | Movimiento Manuela Ramos (Spanish; Peruvian women's group) |
MMR | Moderated Multiple Regression |
MMR | Merchant Marine Reserve |
MMR | Multi-Mission Radar (Army) |
MMR | Main Machinery Room |
MMR | Memory-Mapped Register |
MMR | Money Market Rate |
MMR | Military Munitions Rule |
MMR | Marine Mammal Regulations (Federal Fisheries Act; Canada) |
MMR | Mask-Mounted Regulator (respirator system) |
MMR | Multimode Radar |
MMR | Manpower Mobilization Request |
MMR | Maximum Medical Recovery (Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, RSO 1998, Canada) |
MMR | Medical Magnetic Resonance (imaging) |
MMR | Me Meo de Risa (Spanish hash tag) |
MMR | Minimum Maintenance Road (various locations) |
MMR | Machinist's Mate, Refrigeration (US Navy) |
MMR | Minimum Marketable Release (market testing) |
MMR | Metamorphosis Medical Retreats (Vancouver, BC, Canada) |
MMR | Magnetometric Resistivity |
MMR | Mazda Motor Russia |
MMR | Mass Miniature Radiography |
MMR | Mobile Multi-Hop Relay |
MMR | Megalocornea-Mental Retardation Syndrome |
MMR | Multi-Mode Radio |
MMR | Minimum Military Requirement |
MMR | Mobile Medical Response, Inc. (ambulance service provider) |
MMR | Material Master Records |
MMR | Monthly Management Review |
MMR | Modular Multiband Radiometer |
MMR | Mixed Media Router |
MMR | Mobile Meter Reading (of electricity meters) |
MMR | Master-Master Replication (databases) |
MMR | Modular Mini Refinery (various locations) |
MMR | Minimum Marginal Return |
MMR | Minoan-Mycenaean Religion (Bronze Age, Greece) |
MMR | Man Made Rock (construction) |
MMR | Mobilization Material Requirement |
MMR | Multiband Multimode Radio |
MMR | Mission Requirements Review |
MMR | Marble Mountain Ranch (Somes Bar, CA) |
MMR | Multimode Radiometer |
MMR | Maintenance Management Review |
MMR | Multimission Receiver |
MMR | Management Milestone Record |
MMR | Mobile Mission Recognition |
MMR | Mediabase Music Research |