LSCGLiberalni Savez Crne Gore (Liberal Alliance of Montenegro)
LSCGLocal Specialist Commissioning Group
LSCGLocal Specialised Commissioning Group
LSCGLeast-Squares Conjugate-Gradient (method)
LSCGLois sacrées des cités grecques (Franciszek Sokolowski 1969 book)
LSCGLumbosacral Chain Ganglia
LSCGLead Sites Consultation Group
LSCGLight Sandwich Carbon Glass
LSCGLower Savannah Council of Governments
LSCGLevel-Set-based Cartesian Grid
LSCGLaurea Specialistica in Cosmologia e Gravitazione
LSCGLiturgical Choir Shadow Government
LSCGLyman Spitzer Climbing Grant
LSCGLife Science Commercial Gateway
LSCGLafayette Senior Citizen Gang
LSCGLife Science Co-coordination Group
LSCGLauncher Subsystem Control Group
LSCGLibrary Services and Construction Act Grant
LSCGLong Service and Good Conduct medal (UK military)