Acronym | Definition |
LSD | d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (psychedelic drug) |
LSD | Least Significant Difference (statistics) |
LSD | Limited Slip Differential (drive axels on cross country vehicles) |
LSD | Limited Slip Differential |
LSD | Labrinth Sia Diplo (band) |
LSD | Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles song) |
LSD | Lighting Systems Division (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) |
LSD | Large-Scale Distributed (computer systems) |
LSD | La Sonora Dinamita (Spanish: The Sonora Dynamite; music group) |
LSD | Lake Shore Drive |
LSD | Love Sensuality Devotion (Enigma album) |
LSD | Life Span Development (psychology) |
LSD | Low Single Digit (finance) |
LSD | League for Spiritual Discovery (est. 1966) |
LSD | Leafy Sea Dragon (marine fish) |
LSD | Lipid Storage Disorder (metabolic disorder) |
LSD | Long Slow Distance (fitness training) |
LSD | Large-Scale Deletion (bioscience) |
LSD | Linear Slot Diffuser (various companies) |
LSD | Land Systems Division (various locations) |
LSD | Lamborghini Style Doors |
LSD | Low Speed Data Channel |
LSD | Limit States Design (engineering) |
LSD | Low Sulfur Diesel (fuel) |
LSD | Law Student Division (American Bar Association) |
LSD | Londonderry School District (New Hampshire) |
LSD | Law School Discussion (forum) |
LSD | Landing Ship, Dock (aka Dock Landing Ship) |
LSD | Lietuvos Standartizacijos Departamentas (Lithuanian Standards Board) |
LSD | Last Stage of Delirium (Polish web security group) |
LSD | Least Significant Digit |
LSD | Fisher's Least Significant Difference (statistics; analysis) |
LSD | Lands and Survey Department (various locations) |
LSD | Low Self Discharge (battery chemistry) |
LSD | Love's Secret Domain (album by band Coil) |
LSD | Lysosomal Storage Disease |
LSD | Local Spin Density |
LSD | Lakeshore Drive |
LSD | Louisiana School for the Deaf |
LSD | Limited Sight Distance (band) |
LSD | Lumpy Skin Disease |
LSD | Legal Surveys Division (Canada) |
LSD | Latin Square Design (statistics) |
LSD | Lean Software Development (efficiency in software development) |
LSD | Life Sciences Division |
LSD | Last Ship Date |
LSD | Pounds, Shillings and Pence (UK slang for currency) |
LSD | Licensing Services Division (various locations) |
LSD | Lyserg Saeure Diaethylamid (German) |
LSD | Life Science Dictionary |
LSD | Liquid Sound Design |
LSD | Large-Screen Display |
LSD | Lansing School District (Michigan) |
LSD | Learning Support Department |
LSD | Low Speed Data (videoconferencing data channel) |
LSD | Life, Sex, and Death (band) |
LSD | Lead Singer Disease (when a singer leaves a band to go solo due to ego) |
LSD | Light Shaping Diffuser |
LSD | Labor Saving Device |
LSD | Love Spirals Downward (band) |
LSD | Lamborghini Style Doors (automobile design) |
LSD | Librae Solidi Denarii (Pounds Shillings Pence) UK & Ireland |
LSD | Lieber Saufend Daddeln (German gaming clan) |
LSD | Laboratory for Simulation Development |
LSD | Love Sex & Dating |
LSD | Lysine-Specific Demethylase (biology) |
LSD | Lysergic Acid Diethlamide |
LSD | Learning Strategies Database |
LSD | Legislative Services Division (Montana) |
LSD | Location Service Daemon (Java EJB) |
LSD | Long Slow Death |
LSD | Low Side Driver (electrical engineering) |
LSD | Little Snazzy Drummer |
LSD | Laser Supported Detonation (waves) |
LSD | Life Saving Device (song) |
LSD | Layton Service Desk (Tampa, FL) |
LSD | Lashed Secured Dunnaged (shipping) |
LSD | Learning Sustainable Development (simulation game) |
LSD | Little Spike Dudley (pro wrestler) |
LSD | Linacre School of Defence |
LSD | Local Shut-Down |
LSD | Lower Sunset District (San Francisco, CA) |
LSD | Lower Slower Delaware |
LSD | Lead System Designer |
LSD | Light Sensitive Diode |
LSD | Legal Services Developer |
LSD | Legal Self Defense |
LSD | List Sphere Decoding |
LSD | Lexington School for the Deaf (Jackson Heights, New York) |
LSD | Lone Star Draft (beer) |
LSD | Lorenzo Saint Dubois (movie,The Producers) |
LSD | Loud Style Design |
LSD | Lethbridge School District (California) |
LSD | Learn, Start, Do (Grand Theft Auto) |
LSD | Littérature Sémo-Définitionnelle (Italian) |
LSD | Legal Survey Description |
LSD | Least Separation Distance |
LSD | Low Starch Diet |
LSD | Laboratory for System Dynamics and Signal Processing |
LSD | Logarithmic Standard Deviation |
LSD | Lighting Sensitive Displays |
LSD | Little Silly Dish (small consumer grade satellite receivers) |
LSD | Logistic Support Detachment |
LSD | List Server for Domino (email list program; Bright Ideas Software) |
LSD | Lowland Search Dogs (UK) |
LSD | Line Signal Detect (equivalent to carrier detect on a DSU) |
LSD | La Sourie Deglinguee (French rock band) |
LSD | Los Santos Delivery (gaming, GTA:San Andreas) |
LSD | Large Scope Dissemination |
LSD | Liberal Studies Division |
LSD | Liberty Sanitation Department (Grand Theft Auto reference) |
LSD | Logic and Semantics for Dummies |
LSD | Louisiana Super Dome |
LSD | Lucifer's Stained Dress (song) |
LSD | Local Service Desk |
LSD | Logistics Support Directorate |
LSD | Land Surface, Depth From |
LSD | Local Slope Data |
LSD | Loop Signaling Device |
LSD | Laser Spot Detector |
LSD | Lulie St Dash |
LSD | Large Size Dry |
LSD | Langley Swim and Dive |
LSD | Lost Souls of Darkness (game) |
LSD | Lifestyle and Social Discourse |
LSD | Love Stops Depression |
LSD | Lymphatic System Disorder |
LSD | Lunar Surface Drill |
LSD | Logistics Support Data/Document |
LSD | Lashing, Stowage und Dunnage (German) |
LSD | Lowest Significant Dose |
LSD | Live Status Display |
LSD | Liquid Scintillator/Scintillation Detector |
LSD | Lucid Sun Divine (Mary Pranksters song) |