Acronym | Definition |
LDP | Liberal Democratic Party |
LDP | Linux Documentation Project |
LDP | Leadership Development Program |
LDP | Label Distribution Protocol (IETF) |
LDP | Lane Departure Prevention (automotive) |
LDP | Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (Malay: In-Service Training; education) |
LDP | Loader Debugger Protocol |
LDP | Leak Detection Pump (automotive engineering) |
LDP | Low Density Lipoprotein |
LDP | Large Deviation Principle |
LDP | Limited Driving Privilege (various locations) |
LDP | Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (Philippines political group) |
LDP | Local Delivery Plan (National Health Service; UK) |
LDP | Linux Distribution Partner |
LDP | Level of Development Plan |
LDP | Label Distribution Protocol |
LDP | Laser Disc Player |
LDP | Livelihood Development Program (various organizations) |
LDP | Liberal Demokrat Parti |
LDP | Le Domaine Public (French: The Public Domain) |
LDP | Long Distance Path (UK; formerly National Trails) |
LDP | Landing Decision Point (final point in rotorcraft approach when a balked landing may be accomplished) |
LDP | Liquid Dairy Products (TetraPak) |
LDP | Legal Document Preparer (Arizona) |
LDP | Local Distribution Point |
LDP | Link-Disjoint Path |
LDP | Legal Disciplinary Partnership (UK law practice) |
LDP | Loan Deficiency Program (USDA program payment for low commodity prices) |
LDP | Logistics Development Program |
LDP | Landed Duty Paid |
LDP | Liquid Dispersion Polymer |
LDP | Land Disturbing Permit (Virginia) |
LDP | Livestock, Dairy & Poultry |
LDP | Lucky Duck Productions (New York, NY) |
LDP | Lancha de Desembarque Pequena (Portuguese Navy) |
LDP | Language Designated Position |
LDP | Least Damage Possible (banking, mergers and acquisitions) |
LDP | Long Distance Platform |
LDP | Lingwa de Planeta (language) |
LDP | Long Distance Pumping (skateboarding) |
LDP | Language and Diversity Program |
LDP | Lightweight Directory Protocol |
LDP | Local Data Processor |
LDP | Liberal Demokrasi Partisi (Turkey) |
LDP | Low Density Presort (Canada Post) |
LDP | Local Distribution Panel (electrical switchgear) |
LDP | Logistic Data Process |
LDP | Loaded Deployability Posture (STADEPS) |
LDP | Lomas Data Products, Incorporated |
LDP | Lung Damaging Particle |
LDP | Let's Discuss, Please |
LDP | Leading Dimensions Profile (Leading Dimensions Consulting) |