Acronym | Definition |
LDR | Lana Del Rey (musician) |
LDR | Loader |
LDR | Leader |
LDR | Law of Diminishing Returns (economic theory) |
LDR | Land Disposal Restrictions |
LDR | Lebanon Daily Record (newspaper; Lebanon, MO) |
LDR | Long Distance Relationship |
LDR | Louisiana Department of Revenue |
LDR | Light Dependent Resistor |
LDR | Listener Driven Radio (software) |
LDR | Low Dynamic Range |
LDR | Lightweight Data Replicator |
LDR | Local Distribution Radio |
LDR | Limit Data Rate |
LDR | Lutheran Disaster Response |
LDR | Lead Development Rep (various companies) |
LDR | Lonesome Day Records (Booneville, KY) |
LDR | Labor-Delivery-Recovery (room) |
LDR | Low Data Rate |
LDR | Loan-to-Deposit Ratio (banking) |
LDR | Land Development Regulation |
LDR | Linear Depolarization Ratio |
LDR | Limited Distribution Release (Microsoft) |
LDR | Large Deployable Reflector |
LDR | Long Distance Runner |
LDR | Long Distance Release (fishing) |
LDR | Labor Distribution Reporting (US government) |
LDR | Line Driver/Receiver (Alcatel) |
LDR | Land Development Review (various locations) |
LDR | Lucent Digital Radio (Warren, NJ) |
LDR | Light Detect Resistor |
LDR | Low Density Recruiting (US Army National Guard) |
LDR | Long Distance Riders (motorcycle certification group) |
LDR | Last Ditch Racing (Maine-based rally racing team) |
LDR | Legislative Draft Request (Texas) |
LDR | Liquid Droplet Radiator |
LDR | Let Down Ratio (plastics) |
LDR | Laser Designator Ranger |
LDR | Logical Design Review |
LDR | Lapdance Riders (motorcycle club) |
LDR | Local Dynamic Routing |
LDR | Low Definition Radio |
LDR | Labor Distribution Record |
LDR | Loan-Default Rate (finance/banking) |
LDR | Local Distribution Radio (Sprint) |
LDR | Local Dump and Restore |
LDR | Large Diameter Roll (paper making) |
LDR | Lethal Display Range (US DoD) |