LDRLana Del Rey (musician)
LDRLaw of Diminishing Returns (economic theory)
LDRLand Disposal Restrictions
LDRLebanon Daily Record (newspaper; Lebanon, MO)
LDRLong Distance Relationship
LDRLouisiana Department of Revenue
LDRLight Dependent Resistor
LDRListener Driven Radio (software)
LDRLow Dynamic Range
LDRLightweight Data Replicator
LDRLocal Distribution Radio
LDRLimit Data Rate
LDRLutheran Disaster Response
LDRLead Development Rep (various companies)
LDRLonesome Day Records (Booneville, KY)
LDRLabor-Delivery-Recovery (room)
LDRLow Data Rate
LDRLoan-to-Deposit Ratio (banking)
LDRLand Development Regulation
LDRLinear Depolarization Ratio
LDRLimited Distribution Release (Microsoft)
LDRLarge Deployable Reflector
LDRLong Distance Runner
LDRLong Distance Release (fishing)
LDRLabor Distribution Reporting (US government)
LDRLine Driver/Receiver (Alcatel)
LDRLand Development Review (various locations)
LDRLucent Digital Radio (Warren, NJ)
LDRLight Detect Resistor
LDRLow Density Recruiting (US Army National Guard)
LDRLong Distance Riders (motorcycle certification group)
LDRLast Ditch Racing (Maine-based rally racing team)
LDRLegislative Draft Request (Texas)
LDRLiquid Droplet Radiator
LDRLet Down Ratio (plastics)
LDRLaser Designator Ranger
LDRLogical Design Review
LDRLapdance Riders (motorcycle club)
LDRLocal Dynamic Routing
LDRLow Definition Radio
LDRLabor Distribution Record
LDRLoan-Default Rate (finance/banking)
LDRLocal Distribution Radio (Sprint)
LDRLocal Dump and Restore
LDRLarge Diameter Roll (paper making)
LDRLethal Display Range (US DoD)