Acronym | Definition |
MART | Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching (University of Toronto Press; Toronto, Canada) |
MART | Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (Massachusetts) |
MART | Mid-Atlantic Rail Trails |
MART | Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists |
MART | Manchester against Road Tolls (UK) |
MART | Morning Advisory Risk Threat |
MART | Master Appropriation Reference Table (US Air Force) |
MART | MYSTYLe Art (Riga, Latvia) |
MART | Mean Active Repair Time |
MART | Maximum Average Reframe Time |
MART | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Trees |
MART | Military Air Rescue Team |
MART | Math Modeling and Reliability Transducers (for sonar arrays) |
MART | Maintain Attack Relative Timing |
MART | Massachusetts Regional Transit Authority |
MART | Manpower Assistance and Review Team |
MART | Modular AMME Remote Terminal |
MART | Modular Automated Terminal Equipment |