AVLAutomatic Vehicle Location
AVLAntoni Van Leeuwenhoek (Dutch inventor and hospital)
AVLAlabama Virtual Library
AVLAnti-Villain League (Despicable Me)
AVLAutomatic Volume Leveller
AVLAccepted Vendor List
AVLAthena Vortex Lattice (engineering software)
AVLAcadèmia Valenciana de La Llengua (Spanish academy)
AVLApproved Vendor List
AVLAudio Video Library
AVLAdelson-Velskii and Landis (balanced binary tree)
AVLAudio Visual Lighting
AVLAllied Van Lines
AVLAsheville / Hendersonville, NC, USA - Asheville Regional Airport (Airport Code)
AVLAchat, Vente, Location (French: Buy, Sell, Rent)
AVLAutomatic Vehicle Locater
AVLAutomatic Volume Limiting
AVLAutomatic Volume Leveler
AVLauthorized vendor list
AVLAllport-Vernon-Lindzey (study)
AVLAssign Variable Location
AVLAroostook Valley Railroad Company
AVLAugmented Voltage Left Arm (EKG lead)
AVLApplication Version List
AVLAssociated Veterinary Laboratories
AVLActive Vendor List
AVLAnnos Vixit Quinquaginta (Latin: He Lived Fifty Years; epigraphy)
AVLAmaury et Roselyne Van Lidth (Belgian print shop)