Acronym | Definition |
LAB | Laboratory |
LAB | Labour Party (New Zealand political party) |
LAB | Like a Boss |
LAB | Latrobe (Amtrak station code; Latrobe, PA) |
LAB | Labour Party (UK political party) |
LAB | Lactic Acid Bacteria |
LAB | Labrador |
LAB | Lead-Acid Battery |
LAB | Latin American Business (Texas) |
LAB | Live Aus Berlin (Rammstein DVD) |
LAB | Live and Breathe (various locations) |
LAB | Legal Aid Board |
LAB | Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano (Bolivian airline) |
LAB | League of American Bicyclists |
LAB | Learning about Business (Painesville, OH) |
LAB | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism (various schools) |
LAB | Life Application Bible |
LAB | Library Advisory Board |
LAB | Linear Alkyl Benzene |
LAB | Law Alumni Board (various schools) |
LAB | Local Action for Biodiversity (various organizations) |
LAB | Legal Advice Bureau (various locations) |
LAB | Link Assignment Block |
LAB | Leadership Advisory Board |
LAB | Licensed Associate Broker |
LAB | Little Assawoman Bay (Delaware) |
LAB | Legislatively Adopted Budget (Oregon) |
LAB | Logic Array Block(s) |
LAB | Landscape Architect Board (various locations) |
LAB | Language and Business |
LAB | Local Administration Bureau (various locations) |
LAB | Land Air Battle |
LAB | Louisiana Association for the Blind |
LAB | Louisiana Alliance for Biotechnology |
LAB | Legislative Approved Budget (Oregon) |
LAB | Legal Advisory Board for the Information Market (EU) |
LAB | Light Armor Battalion |
LAB | Local Area Broadcast |
LAB | Low-Angle Bombing |
LAB | Logistics Assault Base |
LAB | Lightness-A-B (color model) |
LAB | Large Array Block |
LAB | Leave Authorization Balance |
LAB | Low Altitude Bombardment |
LAB | Light Assault Bridge |