LHPLeft-Handed Pitcher
LHPLennox Hearth Products (Nashville, TN)
LHPLast Hop Protocol
LHPLighthouse Point (Broward County, Florida city)
LHPLoop Heat Pipe (Cooling System)
LHPLocal Health Plan
LHPLeft Hand Path
LHPLouisiana Highway Patrol
LHPLabor Relations, Human Relations and Productivity (Philippines)
LHPLeft Hand Panel
LHPLa Hora Pico (México)
LHPLeft Half-Plane
LHPLicensed Holistic Practitioner (various organizations)
LHPLealdade, Humildade, Procedimento (Portuguese: Loyalty, Humility, Procedure)
LHPLe Hong Phong High School (Vietnam)
LHPLiving History Project
LHPLead Hollowpoint (bullet)
LHPLandslide Hazard Program
LHPLimit of High Priority
LHPLine Handler Process (Sprint)