LDTLearning and Development Team (UK)
LDTLaDainian Tomlinson (football player)
LDTLocal Descriptor Table
LDTLinear Displacement Transducer (various companies)
LDTLand Development Tax
LDTLaboratory-Developed Test
LDTLarge Diameter Tapcon (concrete anchor)
LDTLocal Domain Table
LDTLightning Data Transport
LDTLogic Design Tool
LDTLinux Development Tools
LDTLocal Daylight Time
LDTLightning Data Transport (AMD replacement for PCI)
LDTLight Duty Truck
LDTLower Division Transfer (various schools)
LDTLeft Defensive Tackle (pro football)
LDTLaser Display Technology
LDTLowest Dose Tested
LDTLaser Data Terminal
LDTLarge Dead Time (geophysics)
LDTLight Displacement Ton
LDTLocation Determination Technologies (ViaVis Mobile Solutions, Inc.)
LDTLogistics Delay Time
LDTLaser Detector Tracker
LDTLarge Deviations Technique
LDTLine Designation Table
LDTLatero-Dorsal Tegmental Nucleus (cluster of nerve cells found in the pons of the brainstem)
LDTLicensed Deposit Taker (UK)
LDTLogistics Distribution Table
LDTLast Dose Taken