LELimited Edition
LELower East
LELecce (italy)
LELaw Enforcement
LELink Exchange
LELow Energy
LELake Erie (Great Lakes)
LELimit(s) of Error
LELess than or Equal to (computer math)
LELife Expectancy
LELeading Edge
LELeicester (postcode, United Kingdom)
LELegal Entity
LEEgyptian Pound
LELab Equipment
LELife Extension
LELeft End
LELine Equipment
LELast Exile (anime)
LELight Equipment
LELead Engineer
LELess or Equal
LELicensed Esthetician
LELupus Erythematosus
LELarge Enterprise
LELiving Education
LELower Extremity
LELocal Exchange
LELife Estate (inheritance)
LELubrication Engineers (Fort Worth, TX)
LELean Enterprise (management model)
LELight Entertainment
LELearning Express (toy store)
LELater Edit
LELate Entry
LESierra Leone Leone (national currency)
LELanguage Environment
LELine Engraved (philately; Victorian-era style stamps)
LELeucine-Enkephalin (opioid peptide neurotransmitter)
LELateral Epicondylitis
LELicensed Embalmer
LELeft Engine
LELatest Estimate
LELeukocyte Esterase
LELarge Exposure (banking)
LELadder Edition (gaming)
LELow Efficiency
LELuxury Edition
LELAN Emulation
LELegendary Event ((Fallensword gaming)
LELead Equivalent
LELaplacian Eigenmap (algorithm)
LELactation Educator
LELaser Engineer
LELiquid-Expanded (physics)
LELanguage Extender (Microsoft Windows CE)
LELaunch Escape
LELyapunov Exponent
LELinear Error
LELawful Evil (gaming)
LELogic Element
LELaptop Environment
LELow Explosive
LELink Enable(d)
LELoteprednol Etabonate
LELouisiana Eastern (railroad)
LELink Encapsulation (ATM)
LELocus Equations
LELong Eireannach (Gaelic: Ship of Ireland)
LELil’ Ethan (character in NBC's Passions)
LELudus Equinus (gaming website)
LELimited Egress
LEListener Echo-Loss