Acronym | Definition |
MFMC | Milan Free Methodist Church (Milan, MI) |
MFMC | My Future Is My Choice (Namibia) |
MFMC | Max-Flow Min-Cut |
MFMC | Mid-Florida Mustang Club |
MFMC | Monkfish Monitoring Committee |
MFMC | Moore's Ford Memorial Committee |
MFMC | Minnesota Federation of Music Clubs |
MFMC | Main Family Medicine Center |
MFMC | Mutual Fund Management Company |
MFMC | Mean Field Monte Carlo (algorithm) |
MFMC | Maricopa Foundation for Medical Care (Arizona) |
MFMC | Maquis Forces Marine Corps (fictional, Star Trek) |
MFMC | Medium Fat Medium Carbohydrate |
MFMC | Multi-Frame Motion Compensation |
MFMC | MicroFilmMobileCinema |
MFMC | Maths from Many Cultures (McGraw Hill UK foundation) |
MFMC | Mestrado em Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea (Portugese) |
MFMC | Moving Forward with Monroe County (New York) |
MFMC | Motorcycle Family Motorcycle Club (Decatur, AL) |
MFMC | Midwest Financial Mortgage Company |
MFMC | Manpower & Force Management Course (US Army) |
MFMC | Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Cerkiewnej (Polish) |
MFMC | Meadowood Free Methodist Church (Indiana) |
MFMC | Moonah Family Medical Centre (Australia) |
MFMC | Mercy Fund Management Corp |
MFMC | Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care |
MFMC | Monsey Family Medical Center (New York) |
MFMC | Miedzynarodowego Festiwalu Hajnowskie Dni Muzyki Cerkiewnej (Polish) |
MFMC | Maximum Flow Minimum Cut |
MFMC | Mapleview Free Methodist Church (Omaha, Nebraska) |
MFMC | Moderate Fat Moderate Cholesterol |
MFMC | Municipal Fire Management Committee (New Zealand) |
MFMC | Molodovian Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing |
MFMC | Maximal Field Moisture Capacity |