MFMCMilan Free Methodist Church (Milan, MI)
MFMCMy Future Is My Choice (Namibia)
MFMCMax-Flow Min-Cut
MFMCMid-Florida Mustang Club
MFMCMonkfish Monitoring Committee
MFMCMoore's Ford Memorial Committee
MFMCMinnesota Federation of Music Clubs
MFMCMain Family Medicine Center
MFMCMutual Fund Management Company
MFMCMean Field Monte Carlo (algorithm)
MFMCMaricopa Foundation for Medical Care (Arizona)
MFMCMaquis Forces Marine Corps (fictional, Star Trek)
MFMCMedium Fat Medium Carbohydrate
MFMCMulti-Frame Motion Compensation
MFMCMaths from Many Cultures (McGraw Hill UK foundation)
MFMCMestrado em Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea (Portugese)
MFMCMoving Forward with Monroe County (New York)
MFMCMotorcycle Family Motorcycle Club (Decatur, AL)
MFMCMidwest Financial Mortgage Company
MFMCManpower & Force Management Course (US Army)
MFMCMiedzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Cerkiewnej (Polish)
MFMCMeadowood Free Methodist Church (Indiana)
MFMCMoonah Family Medical Centre (Australia)
MFMCMercy Fund Management Corp
MFMCMississippi Foundation for Medical Care
MFMCMonsey Family Medical Center (New York)
MFMCMiedzynarodowego Festiwalu Hajnowskie Dni Muzyki Cerkiewnej (Polish)
MFMCMaximum Flow Minimum Cut
MFMCMapleview Free Methodist Church (Omaha, Nebraska)
MFMCModerate Fat Moderate Cholesterol
MFMCMunicipal Fire Management Committee (New Zealand)
MFMCMolodovian Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing
MFMCMaximal Field Moisture Capacity