Acronym | Definition |
LSM | Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (Indonesian: Non-Governmental Organization) |
LSM | Linux Software Map |
LSM | Living Stream Ministry |
LSM | Linux Security Module |
LSM | Louisiana State Museum |
LSM | La Scena Musicale (French: The Music Scence; classical music) |
LSM | Little Sex Machine |
LSM | Liver Stiffness Measurement |
LSM | Landing Ship Medium (US Navy) |
LSM | Libre Software Meeting (France) |
LSM | Least Square Method (mathematics) |
LSM | Laser Scanning Microscopy |
LSM | Layered Semantic Markup |
LSM | Laser Scanning Microscope |
LSM | Login Server Module |
LSM | Linear Select Memory |
LSM | Local Switching Module |
LSM | Lantern Services Manager |
LSM | Logical Storage Manager |
LSM | Local Session Manager |
LSM | Light Speed Memory |
LSM | Logical Send Macro |
LSM | List Selection Model |
LSM | Local Socket Modules |
LSM | Light Scanning Macrography |
LSM | Legato Storage Manager |
LSM | Land-Surface Model |
LSM | Life Sciences and Management (University of Pennsylvania) |
LSM | Lourdes School of Mandaluyong (Philippines) |
LSM | Lutheran Student Movement |
LSM | Logical Storage Manager (Compact) |
LSM | Linear Synchronous Motor |
LSM | Laboratory Safety Manual (various schools) |
LSM | Local Store Marketing |
LSM | Low Serum Medium |
LSM | Large Scale Manufacturing |
LSM | Living Standards Measure (South Africa) |
LSM | Local Sales Manager |
LSM | Long-Stick Midfielder (lacrosse) |
LSM | Medium Landing Ship |
LSM | Live Slow Motion |
LSM | Local Service Management |
LSM | Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane |
LSM | Lanthanum Strontium Manganite (oxide with electronic condcuting properties) |
LSM | Lame Stream Media |
LSM | Letter Sorting Machine (Postal) |
LSM | Leisure and Sport Management (various schools) |
LSM | Library Storage Module |
LSM | Legacy System Migration (SAP tool for accelerating the transfer of data) |
LSM | Library Service Manager |
LSM | Life Safety Manager (software) |
LSM | Life Science Module (various locations) |
LSM | Long Service Medal |
LSM | Large Scale Manager |
LSM | Left-Stream Media |
LSM | Leica Screw Mount |
LSM | Lunar Surface Magnetometer |
LSM | Linear Simulcast Modulation |
LSM | Lattice Solid Model |
LSM | Littoral Sea Mine (US Navy) |
LSM | Litera Scripta Manet, Ltd. (Russian educational tours) |
LSM | Link Status Meter |
LSM | Length Subnet Masking (computing) |
LSM | Layered Synthetic Microstructure |
LSM | Life Style Management |
LSM | Last Sunday in March (Daylight Savings Time) |
LSM | Lewis Mills High School (Burlington, CT) |
LSM | Line Switch Module |
LSM | Least Squares Measurement |
LSM | Linux Server Management |
LSM | Location Services Module (Nextone) |
LSM | Longitudinal Section Magnetic Mode |
LSM | Layered Scope Model (for XML and Web Services) |
LSM | Launch Service Manager (NASA) |
LSM | Line Spring Model |
LSM | Line Service Module (Pirelli) |
LSM | Local System Model |
LSM | Loader Select Modification |
LSM | Linear Shift Map |
LSM | Likelihood Separation Metric |
LSM | Lakeside & Marblehead Railroad |
LSM | Logistics System Manager |
LSM | Long, Slow Message |
LSM | Line Services Modem (Pirelli) |
LSM | Logistic Storage Module |
LSM | Limited Short Messaging Protocol |
LSM | Logistics Support Management/Manager |
LSM | Local State Manager |
LSM | Lisburn School of Music (UK) |
LSM | Lethality, Survivability, Mobility (US Army) |
LSM | Lesotho Maluti (currency) |
LSM | Located Survey Marker (US NPS) |