Acronym | Definition |
LSO | London Symphony Orchestra |
LSO | Lesotho (ISO Country code) |
LSO | Legislative Service Office (various locations) |
LSO | Law Society of Ontario (est. 1792; Ontario, Canada) |
LSO | Lumbar Sacral Orthosis |
LSO | Local Serving Office |
LSO | Local Storage Option |
LSO | Local Shared Object |
LSO | Lubbock Symphony Orchestra (Lubbock, TX) |
LSO | Laser Safety Officer |
LSO | Landing Signal Officer |
LSO | Local Safety Officer (various locations) |
LSO | Large Send Offload |
LSO | Last Sunday in October (daylight savings time adjustment) |
LSO | Lutetium Oxyorthosilicate (chemistry) |
LSO | Longwood Symphony Orchestra (Brookline, MA) |
LSO | Latent Semantic Optimization (computing) |
LSO | Lone Star Overnight (Austin, TX) |
LSO | Local Search Optimization |
LSO | Local Shared Objects (web browsers) |
LSO | Learning Support Organization |
LSO | Landing Support Officer (US NASA) |
LSO | Landing Safety Officer |
LSO | Large Solar Observatory |
LSO | Legal Services Office (Montana) |
LSO | Legal Support Organization |
LSO | Left Salpingo-Oophorectomy |
LSO | Lifestyles Organization |
LSO | Lead Service Office |
LSO | Legal Staff Officer (various locations) |
LSO | Liberty Symphony Orchestra (Liberty, MO) |
LSO | Linux Standards Organization |
LSO | Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra (Lansdowne, PA) |
LSO | Littleton Symphony Orchestra (Littleton, CO) |
LSO | Leveraged Sell-Out |
LSO | Logistics Support Officer |
LSO | Lovaniensis Scientificus Ordo (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) |
LSO | Local Switching Office |
LSO | Legislative Service Organization |
LSO | cerium doped lutetium orthosilicate |
LSO | Lawson Smart Office |
LSO | Local Servicing Office |
LSO | Labor Standards Officer |
LSO | Limited Service Offering |
LSO | Linked Simulation-Optimization |
LSO | Local Service Organization |
LSO | Large-Scale Offensive (aggressive strategy) |
LSO | Large Scale Organization |
LSO | Linguistic Sign-Off |
LSO | Life Support Officer |
LSO | LAN Systems Organization (Intel) |
LSO | Landward Security Officer |
LSO | Licensed Security Officer |
LSO | List of Stored Options |
LSO | Learning Session Outline (education) |
LSO | Lanarkshire Society of Organists (UK) |
LSO | Laser Squad Orlando (Florida) |
LSO | Ladies Social Outreach |