Acronym | Definition |
LMA | Legal Marketing Association |
LMA | Longissimus Muscle Area |
LMA | Laryngeal Mask Airway |
LMA | Live Music Archive |
LMA | League Managers Association (UK) |
LMA | Library Media Association |
LMA | Lamborghini Motore Anteriore |
LMA | Lightspeed Memory Architecture |
LMA | Lower Memory Area |
LMA | Linux Migration Agent |
LMA | Lightweight Mobile Agent |
LMA | Large Mode Area |
LMA | Local Marketing Agreement |
LMA | London Metropolitan Archives (London, England, UK) |
LMA | Lightspeed Memory Architecture (computing) |
LMA | Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique |
LMA | Lloyd's Market Association (London, England, UK) |
LMA | Land Management Agency (various locations) |
LMA | Lexikon des Mittelalters (German: Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages) |
LMA | Loan Market Association |
LMA | Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal) |
LMA | Livestock Marketing Association |
LMA | Labour Market Agreement (Canada) |
LMA | Labour Market Analysis (various organizations) |
LMA | Lockheed Martin Astronautics |
LMA | Lietuvos Muzikos Akademija (Lithuanian: Lithuanian Academy of Music) |
LMA | Leave Me Alone |
LMA | Lou Martin & Associates, Inc. (San Antonio, TX) |
LMA | Loan Management Account (credit line) |
LMA | Leading, Managing, and Holding People Accountable (business model) |
LMA | Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm |
LMA | Local Management Agreement |
LMA | Lead Maintenance Activity |
LMA | Learning Mobile Author (software) |
LMA | Legal Marriage Alliance |
LMA | Landscape Maintenance Association |
LMA | Left Main Artery |
LMA | Land Mine Awareness |
LMA | Laryngeal Mask Anesthesia |
LMA | Lumber Manufacturers Association |
LMA | Labor Management Agreement |
LMA | Lights Motors Action (Disney World Show) |
LMA | Law of Mass Action |
LMA | Lease Management Agreement |
LMA | Linux Media Arts (Reno, NV) |
LMA | Lockheed Martin Aerospace |
LMA | Lebanese Management Association (Beirut, Lebanon; est. 1959) |
LMA | Laminating Materials Association, Inc. |
LMA | Low Memory Area (aka conventional memory) |
LMA | Leaky-Mode Antenna |
LMA | Legal Marketing Agency (Australia) |
LMA | Lower Mt Auburn (Cincinnati, Ohio neighborhood) |
LMA | Logistics & Manufacturing Association, Port Laredo |
LMA | Lupus Mid-Atlantic (healthcare; various locations) |
LMA | Lao Medical Association |
LMA | Low Molecular Weight Activity |