Acronym | Definition |
LMB | Linear Motion Bearing (machinery) |
LMB | Lower Mekong Basin (Southeast Asia) |
LMB | Left Mouse Button |
LMB | Low Memory Block |
LMB | Linear Memory Block |
LMB | Lego Master Builder |
LMB | Local Master Browser |
LMB | League of Michigan Bicyclists (Lansing, MI) |
LMB | Lois McMaster Bujold (science-fiction author) |
LMB | Large-Mouth Bass |
LMB | Leave Me Be |
LMB | Lucerna Music Bar (Prague, Czech Republic) |
LMB | Lee Myung-bak (South Korean president) |
LMB | Lake Murray Boulevard (California) |
LMB | Lehrer McGovern Bovis, Inc. (now Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc.; New York, NY) |
LMB | Land of Medicine Buddha (Buddha-Dharma Center) |
LMB | Lying Media Bastards (website) |
LMB | Lightweight Matte Box (film industry) |
LMB | Leftist Marching Band (est. 2004; Portsmouth, NH) |
LMB | Lifetime Maximum Benefit |
LMB | Latin Music Booking |
LMB | Low Maintenance Battery |
LMB | London Millennium Bridge |
LMB | Lovemybus (VW bus community) |
LMB | Lonely Moon Band (music group) |
LMB | Linear Momentum Balance |