Acronym | Definition |
ADCS | Automated Data Capture System |
ADCS | Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study |
ADCS | Academic and Distributed Computing Services |
ADCS | Active Directory Certificate Services (Microsoft) |
ADCS | Association of Directors of Children's Services Ltd. (UK) |
ADCS | Advanced Directory Comparison and Synchronization |
ADCS | Army Dental Care System |
ADCS | Attitude Determination and Control System |
ADCS | Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff |
ADCS | Association pour le Développement de la Culture Scientifique (French: Association for the Development of Scientific Culture) |
ADCS | Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem |
ADCS | Australian Defence Canteens Service |
ADCS | Adigrat Diocesan Catholic Secretariat |
ADCS | Airborne Data Collection System |
ADCS | Automated Document Conversion System |
ADCS | Assistant Division Commander for Support |
ADCS | Advanced Defense Communications Satellite |
ADCS | Advanced Data Communications for Stores |
ADCS | Air Defense Control System |
ADCS | Associação Desportiva da Costa do Sol (Portugal) |
ADCS | Automated Document Conversion Service |
ADCS | Automated Document Control System |
ADCS | Aerodynamics Data and Control Systems |
ADCS | Activity Data Control System |