Acronym | Definition |
MNE | Moral and National Education (Education Bureau of Hong Kong) |
MNE | Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis (urology) |
MNE | Mercyhurst North East (Pennsylvania) |
MNE | Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros (Portugal - Foreign Office) |
MNE | Montenegro (ISO code) |
MNE | Multinational Enterprise |
MNE | Managed Network Element |
MNE | Mnemonic |
MNE | Modern English |
MNE | Maison de la Nature et de l'Environnement (French: House of Nature and the Environment; environmental education program) |
MNE | Micro- and Nano-Engineering (integrated circuit manufacturing) |
MNE | Moms Network Exchange |
MNE | Mehr Nicht Erschienen (M Krieg bibliography) |
MNE | Mobile Network Entity |
MNE | Milk Nitrogen Efficiency |
MNE | Multimedia Network Edge |
MNE | Maurer-Noel-Evans Insurance (Phoenix, AZ) |
MNE | Massachusetts Nanotechnology Exchange |