Acronym | Definition |
MET | Metropolitan |
MET | Meteorological/Meteorology |
MET | Metal |
MET | Metallica (band) |
MET | Mechanical Engineering Technology (college course) |
MET | Manufacturing Engineering |
MET | Ministry of Environment and Tourism (Namibia) |
MET | Methionine (Amino Acid) |
MET | Metallurgy |
MET | Metrology |
MET | Metropark (Amtrak station code; Metropark, NJ) |
MET | Metabolic Equivalent |
MET | Monitoring and Evaluation Team (various organizations) |
MET | Medical Education Training (various locations) |
MET | Maritime Education and Training |
MET | Mesenchymal to Epithelial Transition (biological process) |
MET | Metafile (filename extension OS/2 operating system) |
MET | Medical Emergency Team (various organizations) |
MET | Muscle Energy Technique (physical therapy) |
MET | Mechanical-Electrical Technology (various schools) |
MET | Maryland Ensemble Theatre (Frederick, MD) |
MET | Medical Education Trust (various organizations) |
MET | Meridian Energie Techniken (German: Meridian Energy Techniques) |
MET | Modern Evolutionary Theory |
MET | Management Entrance Test (India) |
MET | Mission Elapsed Time (NASA) |
MET | Meta File |
MET | Multicast Expansion Table |
MET | Macro Editor Top Overflow File |
MET | Middle European Time |
MET | Market Economy Treatment |
MET | Motivation Education and Training (various locations) |
MET | Micro-Enterprise Training (various locations) |
MET | Middle European Time (CET) |
MET | Mission Essential Task |
MET | Memory Enhancement Technology |
MET | Mathematics Education Trust |
MET | Maximum Execution Time |
MET | Marijuana Enforcement Team (California) |
MET | Ministère Wallon de l'Equipement et des Transports (Belgium) |
MET | Mind's Eye Theatre |
MET | Master of Educational Technology |
MET | Multiple-Employer Trust |
MET | Massachusetts Environmental Trust |
MET | Meridian Energy Therapy (alternative medicine) |
MET | Mobile Enforcement Team |
MET | Microscopie Électronique en Transmission (French: Transmission Electron Microscopy) |
MET | Microcurrent Electrical Therapy |
MET | Marine Engineering Technology |
MET | Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team |
MET | Mechanical Engineering Team |
MET | Mobile Education Team |
MET | Minerals Extraction Tax (various locations) |
MET | Meteorological Team |
MET | Modularized Equipment Transporter |
MET | Mobile Equipment Transporter (Apollo Program) |
MET | Mission Essential Team (US FEMA) |
MET | Multimedia En Telecommunicatie (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek) |
MET | Many Electron Theory |
MET | Master of Environmental Toxicology (various schools) |
MET | Main Earthing Terminal |
MET | Multibutton Electronic Telephone |
MET | My Ego Times (website) |
MET | Mobile Environmental Team |
MET | Mobile Einsatz Truppe (German: Mobile Task Force; gaming) |
MET | Maryland Electrical Testing (Baltimore, MD) |
MET | Management Engineering Team |
MET | Mean Effective Temperature |
MET | Master Energy Therapist |
MET | MicroEnergy Technologies, Inc. |
MET | Mission Event Time |
MET | Mobile Equipment Technology |
MET | Metabolic Units Above Resting |
MET | Management Emphasis Tracking |
MET | Medium Energy Telescope |
MET | MILSTAR EDM Terminal |
MET | Merchandise Enforcement Team (US Customs and Border Protection) |
MET | Multi-image Exploitation Toolkit |
MET | Multi-Service Execution Team (US DoD) |
MET | Meridiano Tecnologias |
MET | Military Effects Test/Tower |
MET | Maintenance Engineering Technique |