MNIManning (Amtrak station code; Manning, OR)
MNIManufacturers News Inc (Evanston, IL)
MNIMarket News International
MNIMontreal Neurological Institute (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
MNIMontréal Neurological Institute
MNIMinimum Number of Individuals
MNIMinistry of National Infrastructure (Israel)
MNIMedia Networks, Inc.
MNIMaster Name Index
MNIMontserrat, Montserrat - Blackburne (Airport Code)
MNIMuggleNet Interactive (Harry Potter fan forum)
MNIMediation Northern Ireland
MNIMerit Network, Inc.
MNIMesa Nacional Indígena (Spanish: National Indigenous Board; Costa Rica)
MNIMotorsport News International
MNIMerom New Instruction (computing protocol)
MNIMobile Network Identity (telecommunications)
MNIModular Network Interface (computing protocol)
MNIMember of Nautical Institute