Acronym | Definition |
MIP | Macrophage Inflammatory Protein (immunology) |
MIP | Mortgage Insurance Premium |
MIP | Minor In Possession |
MIP | Mixed Integer Programming |
MIP | Manejo Integrado de Plagas (Spanish: Integrated Pest Management) |
MIP | Maximum Intensity Projection |
MIP | Monthly Income Plan |
MIP | Multimedia Information Processing (course; various locations) |
MIP | Managers in Partnership (trade union; UK) |
MIP | Managing Intellectual Property (monthly magazine) |
MIP | Mapping Information Platform (US FEMA) |
MIP | Medical Insurance Plan (various organizations) |
MIP | Major Intrinsic Protein |
MIP | Most Improved Player |
MIP | Management Information Protocol |
MIP | Multi Image Processor |
MIP | Multiple Image Print |
MIP | Multichannel Interface Processor |
MIP | Multi Image Page |
MIP | Mobile Internet Protocol |
MIP | Message Integrity Protocol |
MIP | Minimally Invasive Procedure (surgery) |
MIP | Miami, Florida (border patrol sector) |
MIP | Moon Impact Probe |
MIP | Management Incentive Plan |
MIP | Malaria in Pregnancy |
MIP | Meinl International Power (Austria) |
MIP | Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology (various schools) |
MIP | Medicaid Integrity Program (US DHHS) |
MIP | Membrane Interface Probe |
MIP | Mint In Package |
MIP | Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (measure of respiratory muscle strength) |
MIP | Ministarstvo Inostranih Poslova (Serbia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) |
MIP | Monthly Investment Plan |
MIP | Mobile Internet Protocol (IETF) |
MIP | Mean Indicated Pressure (engine performance) |
MIP | Most Innovative Products |
MIP | Male Iron Pipe |
MIP | Microwave Induced Plasma |
MIP | Movimiento Indígena Pachakuti (Bolivia, Pachakuti Indigenous Movement) |
MIP | Military Intelligence Program (US DoD) |
MIP | Management Improvement Project (various organizations) |
MIP | Master Inservice Plan (Florida) |
MIP | Management Information Project (various locations) |
MIP | Micro Information Products (software) |
MIP | Multi-Annual Indicative Programme |
MIP | Most Important Player |
MIP | Most Important Person |
MIP | Measure of Interim Progress (education; various locations) |
MIP | Mastercard Interface Processor (global payments network) |
MIP | Mobility Impaired Person |
MIP | Multilateral Interoperability Program |
MIP | Multichannel Interface Processor (Cisco) |
MIP | Mold in Place |
MIP | Managing the Influence Process (US NASA) |
MIP | Main Instrument Panel |
MIP | Migration Plan |
MIP | Meet in Person |
MIP | Medial Intraparietal |
MIP | Major Individual Project (various organizations) |
MIP | Managed Inventory Program (software) |
MIP | Multum in Parvum (Latin: many in one) |
MIP | Maintenance Index Page |
MIP | Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis (Westford, MA, USA) |
MIP | Marine Insurance Policy |
MIP | Microprocessor Interface Program |
MIP | Maintenance Interaction Procedure |
MIP | Multimission Interactive Picture |
MIP | Management Inspection Process |
MIP | Mission Integration Panel (US NASA) |
MIP | Minimum Ionising Particle |
MIP | Masculine Identity & Power (workshop) |
MIP | Mandatory Inspection Point |
MIP | Mirror-Image Polydactyly |
MIP | Medium Interface Point (ITS) |
MIP | Multipath Intensity Profile |
MIP | Metal Ion Passivation (nuclear power) |
MIP | Mission Integration Plan |
MIP | Magnetic Induced Polarization |
MIP | Model Installation Program |
MIP | Military Initiative Program (VFW) |
MIP | Minor Sync Point (ITU-T) |
MIP | Made in Portugal |
MIP | Mentally Ill Person |
MIP | Multim In Parvum |
MIP | Maximal Implantation Potential (in-vitro fertilization) |
MIP | Molecular Imprint Polymer |
MIP | Management Implementation Plan |
MIP | Maximum Incidental Pressure |
MIP | Med-I-Pant, Inc. (healthcare products company) |
MIP | Maryland Industrial Partnerships |
MIP | Machine-Independent Part |
MIP | Maximum Information Principle |
MIP | Maintenance In Progress |
MIP | Material in Process |
MIP | Mortgage in Possession |
MIP | Machine Interface Processor |
MIP | Member Intake Process |
MIP | Monitoring Implementation Plan |
MIP | Minimum Incremental Power |
MIP | Mapped Internet Protocol (virtual IP address used with Citrix Access Gateways) |
MIP | Manufacturing and Inspection Plan |
MIP | Materiel Improvement Project |
MIP | Marketing Information Packet (Sprint) |
MIP | Modernization Investment Plan |
MIP | Molecular Ionization Potential |
MIP | Master Intelligence Plan |
MIP | Member Intake Program |
MIP | Mallory Institute of Pathology |
MIP | Minimum Ionization Peak |
MIP | Minimal Improvement Path |
MIP | Measure and Improve Performance |
MIP | Model Improvement Plan/Program |
MIP | Material Index Page |
MIP | Mapped IP (Internet Protocol) Address (computing) |
MIP | Mobility/Mobilization Improvement Program |
MIP | Material/Military Improvement Plan/Program |
MIP | Mission Interface Processor |
MIP | minor impact program |
MIP | Management/Modest Improvement Program |
MIP | Main Line Pipeline |
MIP | Management/Master Information Paper |
MIP | Measurement Index Performance |
MIP | Mount Indicator Panel |
MIP | Mitzpe Ramon, Israel - Domestic Airfield (airport code) |