Acronym | Definition |
MIPA | Musikmesse International Press Award |
MIPA | Membership Interest Purchase Agreement (contracts) |
MIPA | Midwest Independent Publishers Association (St. Paul, MN) |
MIPA | Malawi Investment Promotion Agency |
MIPA | Ministero per le Politiche Agricole (Italy) |
MIPA | Michigan Interscholastic Press Association |
MIPA | Member Institute of Public Accountants |
MIPA | Monoisopropanolamine |
MIPA | Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency (economic development; Montenegro) |
MIPA | Megatrack in Printer Agent (HP printers) |
MIPA | Movimento Internazionale Parto Attivo (Italy) |
MIPA | Mercer Island Preschool Association (Washington state) |
MIPA | Member of the Institute of Professional Administrators |
MIPA | Member of the Institute of Practictioners in Advertising (UK) |
MIPA | Mexican Institute of Public Accountants |
MIPA | Meaningful Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS; World Health Organization) |
MIPA | Management of Intellectual Property Assets (American Intellectual Property Law Association) |
MIPA | Missile Procurement, Army |
MIPA | Master of International Public Affairs (degree program) |
MIPA | Mineral Interest Pooling Act (Texas) |
MIPA | Member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association (UK) |
MIPA | Mid-States Industrial Photographers Association (now Mid-States Imaging and Photographic Association) |
MIPA | Morning Internet Promoting Association |
MIPA | Multi-Intervention Program for students with Autism |
MIPA | Minnesota Interventional Pain Associates (Blaine, MN) |
MIPA | Manifattura Italiana Pavimenti Artistici (Italy) |
MIPA | Mackinac Island Preservation Association |
MIPA | Marin Income Property Association (California) |
MIPA | Mid-States Imaging & Photographic Association (formerly Mid-States Industrial Photographers Association) |
MIPA | Muestra Internacional de Patrimonio Arquitectónico Caixa Galicia |
MIPA | Master per l'Innovazione dei Processi Amministrativi (Italy) |
MIPA | Mercado International Profit Associates, Inc. (Puerto Rico) |
MIPA | Maize Industry Procurement Association (Taiwan) |