LVCLevi's Vintage Clothing
LVCLebanon Valley College
LVCLa Via Campesina (international peasant movement; various locations)
LVCList View Control
LVCLive Virtual Classroom
LVCLinux Verification Center
LVCLabel Virtual Circuit
LVCLive Virtual Class (Sun Microsystems)
LVCLaser Vision Correction
LVCLive Virtual Constructive (simulation space)
LVCLanguage Variation and Change (linguistics)
LVCLiechtenstein Venture Cooperative
LVCLouis Vuitton Cup (yachting cup)
LVCLease Variation Charge (Australia)
LVCLow Vision Center (Bethesda, MD)
LVCLongueVue Capital (various locations)
LVCLow Voltage Cutoff
LVCLibrary Video Company (educational video distributor; Wynnewood, PA)
LVCLee Van Cleef (actor)
LVCLow Voltage Contractor
LVCLas Vegas College (now Everest College; Las Vegas, NV)
LVCLoan Verification Certificate (US Department of Education)
LVCLow-Voltage CMOS Technology (family of logic integrated circuits)
LVCLower Order Virtual Containers (SDH)
LVCLocal Variable Cache
LVCLead Vehicle Commander
LVCLow Velocity Cloud
LVCLodge Vice-Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
LVCLaunch Vehicle Contingency Reserve (US NASA)
LVCLung Vasculature Code (pulmonary lobar vessel)
LVCLost Valley Center (Dexter, OR)