Acronym | Definition |
MCRP | Multi Cast Routing Protocol |
MCRP | Marine Corps Reference Publication |
MCRP | Master of City and Regional Planning (degree program) |
MCRP | Master of Community and Regional Planning (degree program) |
MCRP | Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography |
MCRP | Masters Degree in City and Regional Planning |
MCRP | Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita (India) |
MCRP | Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) |
MCRP | Master Composter & Recycler Program (environmental efficiency program) |
MCRP | modular control review program |
MCRP | Missile Compartment Roving Patrol (US Navy) |
MCRP | Medical Contingency Response Plan |
MCRP | Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rshtriya Patrakarita University (India) |
MCRP | Maritime Coal, Railway, and Power Company, Ltd. |
MCRP | McHenry County Road Pirates (motorcycle riding group; Illinois) |
MCRP | Master Casualty Response Procedure |
MCRP | Mafia City Role Play (gaming) |
MCRP | Mean Cost of Replacement Parts |
MCRP | Massachusetts Cooperative Research Program |
MCRP | Medical Cost Recovery Program |
MCRP | Multi Character Role Play |