Acronym | Definition |
MCS | Multiple Chemical Sensitivity |
MCS | Media Convergence Server (Cisco) |
MCS | Memphis City Schools (Tennessee) |
MCS | Motion City Soundtrack (band) |
MCS | Marine Conservation Society |
MCS | Mist Cooling System (condensers) |
MCS | Montgomery County Schools (various locations) |
MCS | Multiple Cloning Site |
MCS | Microgeneration Certification Scheme (industry standards) |
MCS | Magdalen College School (UK) |
MCS | Monitoring, Control and Surveillance |
MCS | Microsoft Consulting Services |
MCS | Mesoscale Convective System (meteorology) |
MCS | Multichannel Seismic (natural gas exploration) |
MCS | Monte Carlo Simulation |
MCS | Multiple Classifier System |
MCS | Modular Causeway System (US DoD) |
MCS | Marietta City Schools (Georgia) |
MCS | McMaster-Carr Supply (Elmhurst, IL) |
MCS | Mercury Computer Systems (various locations) |
MCS | Management Consulting Services |
MCS | Moore County School (North Carolina) |
MCS | Mobile Communications System (various organizations) |
MCS | Manager, Client Services (various organizations) |
MCS | Modulation and Coding Scheme (HSDPA) |
MCS | Mobile Connectivity Server |
MCS | Multiple Console Support |
MCS | Microsoft Class Server |
MCS | Multifunctional Crypto System |
MCS | Mobile Car System |
MCS | Multimedia Communications Server |
MCS | Microsoft Certificate Server |
MCS | Multichannel Communication Server |
MCS | Microsoft Certificate Store |
MCS | Multichannel Communications System |
MCS | Merge Call Segment |
MCS | Multi Channel Surround |
MCS | Meeting Communications Service |
MCS | Multi Category Security |
MCS | Macromedia Common Scripting |
MCS | Modular Configuration System |
MCS | Multivendor Customer Services |
MCS | Mobile Communication Services |
MCS | Multiple Connections per Session |
MCS | Media Convergence Server |
MCS | Multi Cast Server |
MCS | Micro Computer System |
MCS | Multi Core Simulator |
MCS | Micro Computer Set |
MCS | Multi Channel System |
MCS | Memory Card Socket |
MCS | Multi Channel Sound |
MCS | Media Control Server |
MCS | Monitor and Control Subsystem |
MCS | Media and Communications Studies Site |
MCS | Modulation and Coding Scheme |
MCS | Master of Computer Science |
MCS | Modular Control System |
MCS | McCreary Centre Society (Canada) |
MCS | Mission Critical Support (VMware) |
MCS | Multichannel Scaler (natural gas exploration) |
MCS | Maneuver Control System |
MCS | Maxwell-Chern-Simons (theory) |
MCS | Machine Coordinate System (manufacturing) |
MCS | Master's College and Seminary (various locations) |
MCS | Master Control Station |
MCS | Mellon College of Science |
MCS | Manhattan Country School (New York) |
MCS | Mars Climate Sounder (US NASA) |
MCS | Mandatory Convertible Securities (bonds) |
MCS | Master of Computer Science (degree) |
MCS | Medium Close Shot (videography) |
MCS | Microbial Culture and Sensitivity (test) |
MCS | Mechanical Circulatory Support |
MCS | Millennium Cohort Study |
MCS | Mellon College of Science (Carnegie Mellon university) |
MCS | Multimedia Communications Server (Nortel) |
MCS | Model Curriculum Standards (various locations) |
MCS | Management Control System |
MCS | Mechanical Contracting Services (Ontario, Canada) |
MCS | Maximum Continuous Speed (rotating machine) |
MCS | Motion Control Systems |
MCS | Mission Control System |
MCS | Maximal Common Substructure |
MCS | Managed Communication Services |
MCS | Media Corporation of Singapore |
MCS | Modular Cooling System |
MCS | Mounted Combat System |
MCS | Managed Care Support (TRICARE) |
MCS | Material Control System |
MCS | Mayo Clinic Study |
MCS | Mobile Communications Solutions (UK and Ireland) |
MCS | Medical Center Service (Italy) |
MCS | Monte Carlo Sampling |
MCS | Mission Control Station |
MCS | Medical Center System |
MCS | Modulation Control System |
MCS | Management Consultancy Software |
MCS | Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg (geophysics scale) |
MCS | Multi-Channel Satellite (various companies) |
MCS | Multichannel Streamer (natural gas exploration) |
MCS | Moser Custom Shop (guitars) |
MCS | Machinery Control System |
MCS | Master Control System |
MCS | Mobility Capabilities Study (US DoD) |
MCS | Manufacturing Control System |
MCS | Managed Care Section (various locations) |
MCS | Massachusetts Chiropractic Society (Methuen, MA) |
MCS | Marketing Communication Service |
MCS | Mathematics in Computer Science (journal) |
MCS | Most Critical Supplier (various companies) |
MCS | Multi-Channel Sound |
MCS | Movement Coordination System (US FEMA) |
MCS | Managed Care Software |
MCS | Mitel Communication Service (software) |
MCS | Maryknoll Convent School |
MCS | Multi-Cloning Site |
MCS | Middle Child Syndrome |
MCS | Membership Capital Shares |
MCS | Mountaineering Council of Scotland (Perth, Scotland) |
MCS | Multiple Console Support (Telcordia) |
MCS | Mass Communication Specialist (certification) |
MCS | Message Conversion System |
MCS | Maintenance Control System |
MCS | Micro Current Stimulation (treatment of macular degeneration) |
MCS | Minimal Cut Set |
MCS | Mobile Camouflage System |
MCS | Multipoint Communications System (Canada) |
MCS | Master Coaches Survey |
MCS | Monitor and Control System (Alcatel) |
MCS | Meta Class System |
MCS | Management Computer System |
MCS | Miscellaneous Control Subsystem (Juniper Networks, Inc. routers) |
MCS | Management Cadre Staff |
MCS | Manifold & Connection System (energy production) |
MCS | Marine Corps Schools |
MCS | Missile Control System |
MCS | Mission Crew Supervisor (US Air Force) |
MCS | Multiple Circular Sectors (microwave hardware) |
MCS | Miramonte Christian School (Los Altos, CA) |
MCS | Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity |
MCS | Master of Commercial Science |
MCS | Mobile Christian School (Alabama) |
MCS | Multipoint Command Symmetrical Data-Transmission |
MCS | Military Capabilities Study (US DoD) |
MCS | Miles-Carpenter X-Linked Mental Retardation Syndrome |
MCS | Microwave Components and Systems, Inc. (Northborough, MA) |
MCS | Magistrates Court Service (Australia) |
MCS | Management Communication Systems (various companies) |
MCS | Master Control Switch |
MCS | Maintenance Control Section (Royal Australian Air Force) |
MCS | Multimedia Conference Servers (SWB) |
MCS | Maintenance Control Subsystem |
MCS | Multivendor Customer Service |
MCS | Main-Channel Slope |
MCS | Motherwell Control Systems (UK) |
MCS | Management Conformance Summary (Telcordia) |
MCS | Missile Control Subsystem |
MCS | Multi-Cast Server |
MCS | Milestone Car Society (Indianapolis, IN) |
MCS | Multichannel Spectrometer |
MCS | Media Conversion Subsystem |
MCS | Maintenance Control Supervisor |
MCS | Maritime Communications Subsystem |
MCS | Multipoint Control Services |
MCS | Modular Causeway Section |
MCS | Maintenance Cost System |
MCS | Multi-functional Crypto System |
MCS | Master Control Shelf (Nokia) |
MCS | Multimedia Computer System |
MCS | Mountaineering Club of Scotland |
MCS | Meteorological Services of Canada |
MCS | Meaford Community School |
MCS | Magnetic Core Stack |
MCS | Maintenance Control Station |
MCS | Mining Certification Service (United Kingdom) |
MCS | Micro Controller Subsystem |
MCS | Mobile Command Station |
MCS | Mesa Computing Solutions (Grand Junction, Colorado) |
MCS | Multi-Programmed Computer System |
MCS | Mission Critical Site |
MCS | Mandala Complementary Studies (UK Complementary Therapy School) |
MCS | Mellor-Crummy and Scott Algorithm |
MCS | Crew Station Manual (TMINS) |
MCS | Microchannel Structure |
MCS | Modernized Catalog System |
MCS | Managing Conceptual Space |
MCS | Mine Command Ship |
MCS | Microcontrol Store |
MCS | Microcrystalline Cellulose, Sieved |
MCS | Merrimack Charter Services |
MCS | Moisture Channel Support |
MCS | Missing Case Statements in A Switch Construct (software fault) |
MCS | Madeley Court School (UK) |
MCS | Multiple Congestion States (ITU-T) |
MCS | Millimeter Wave Contrast Seekers |
MCS | Multi-Cast Send |
MCS | Maneuver Computer System |
MCS | Mine Countermeasures Ship/Support |
MCS | Managed Clearline Service (Sprint) |
MCS | Missile Compensating System |
MCS | Master of the Cheirological Society of Great Britain |
MCS | Multi-Purpose Communications & Signaling |
MCS | Motor Cortex Stimulation (neurology) |
MCS | Mission Control Segment/System |
MCS | Moto Club Sommièrois (French motorcycle club) |
MCS | Mobility Concepts Study |
MCS | Material Certification System |
MCS | Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (also seen as MCOS; Canada) |
MCS | Management Challenge Services |
MCS | Matra Club Suisse (French: Switzerland Matra Club; automobile club; Switzerland) |