Acronym | Definition |
MIV | Made in Vietnam |
MIV | Motorisierter Individualverkehr (German: Motorized Individual Traffic) |
MIV | Motif Image Viewer |
MIV | Mariner IV |
MIV | Main Instrument Vendor |
MIV | Maturation in Vitro |
MIV | Millvile Airport (Milville, NJ) |
MIV | Man in Van |
MIV | Microfinance Investment Vehicle (finance) |
MIV | Main Inlet Valve (hydroelectric power) |
MIV | Master Internet Volunteer (University of Minnesota Extension Service) |
MIV | Mobilize the Immigrant Vote |
MIV | Multimedia, Internet & Video (Technologies) |
MIV | Musik i Väst |
MIV | Magnetic Image Video |
MIV | Mivacurium |
MIV | Manifold Isolation Valve (oil and gas drilling) |
MIV | Menslike Immuungebrekvirus |
MIV | Monotone Instrumental Variable |
MIV | Mathématiques et Informatique du Vivant |
MIV | Mission of the Immaculate Virgin (Staten Island, New York) |
MIV | M & G Income Inv |
MIV | Modular Implementation and Verification |
MIV | Maturacao in Vitro (Portugese) |
MIV | Master Intake Valve |
MIV | Moviment Infantil de Vilafranca |
MIV | Metalska Industrija Varaždin d.d. (Metal Industry of Varazdin; Varazdin, Croatia) |
MIV | Micro Inert Valve |
MIV | Mobile Inventory Vehicle |
MIV | Minor Variation |
MIV | Multipoint Indication Visualization |
MIV | Mobile Information Visualization |
MIV | Make Invincible Visible |
MIV | Material Issue Voucher |
MIV | Maximal Isocapnic Ventilation |
MIV | Massaie Improvvide Veronesi (Italian) |
MIV | Mostra Intersettoriale Valdelsa (Italian) |
MIV | Multiple-Induction Variable |
MIV | Multimediale Informationsverarbeitung (German) |
MIV | Medborgaren i välfärdssystemen (Swedish: Citizen Participation and Social Inclusion) |
MIV | Ministry of International Veganism |
MIV | Minimal Interface to Vampire |
MIV | Music in Victoria (BC, Canada) |
MIV | Malva Infecting Virus |
MIV | Manual Isolation Valve |
MIV | Motorola Intrusion Vision |
MIV | Median Intensity Value |
MIV | Ministry for International Veganism |
MIV | Maskin Inustri Viborg (Denmark) |
MIV | Manual Inflatable Vest |
MIV | Motorsport I Varmland |
MIV | Milchindustrie-Verband eV |
MIV | Modèle Informatique du Vivant (French) |
MIV | Multiple Issuance Verification (tracking system for US passports) |
MIV | Multivalent in Ovo Vaccine |
MIV | Myocardial Volume |
MIV | Mittelrheinische Immobilien Verwaltungstreuhand GmbH (German) |
MIV | Museumsdagen I Vågen (Norwegian) |
MIV | Mutual Information per Variables |
MIV | Mobile Immediatevoice (trademark of Dialogs Unlimited; Netherlands) |