AGCAutomatic Gain Control
AGCAutomotive Glass Cartridge (fuse)
AGCAutomatic Gain Control (US DoD)
AGCAssociated General Contractors
AGCAssociated General Contractors of America
AGCApollo Guidance Computer (NASA)
AGCAttorney-General's Chambers (Singapore)
AGCAmerican Game Cartridges (Chandler, AZ)
AGCAshanti Goldfields Company (Ghana)
AGCAustralian Girls Choir (est. 1984)
AGCAutomatic Generation Control (electric utilities; power systems)
AGCArmy Geospatial Center (USACE)
AGCAssociate General Counsel
AGCAdvanced Ground Contact
AGCAdaptive Gain Control
AGCAutomatic Generation Control
AGCAtypical Glandular Cells
AGCAspartate/Glutamate Carrier
AGCAllegheny County Airport (airport code, Pittsburgh, PA )
AGCAsahi Glass Company
AGCAmador Gold Corp. (Canada)
AGCAdvanced Gastric Cancer
AGCAnnual Giving Campaign (various organizations)
AGCAdjutant General's Corps
AGCArt Glass Ceramic
AGCAutomatic Gauge Control (steel industry)
AGCAggressive Content (behavioral health)
AGCAbsolute Granulocyte Count
AGCAttorney Grievance Commission
AGCAmerican General Corporation
AGCAssociation of Graphic Communications
AGCAssociation of Global Custodians (bank group)
AGCArkansas Geological Commission
AGCAmerican Greyhound Council
AGCAccelerated Global Connections (networking)
AGCAdjustable Gain Control (less common)
AGCAsia Global Crossing Ltd.
AGCAssociated Gospel Churches
AGCAlternative Grand Campaign (gaming)
AGCAcademic Governing Council (various organizations)
AGCAutomatic Guided Cart (material handling)
AGCAerojet General Corporation
AGCAgricultural Genetics Company (UK)
AGCAdvanced Graduate Certificate
AGCAusclad Group of Companies (Perth, Australia)
AGCAdult Gaming Centre (UK)
AGCAgriculture Canada
AGCAir-Ground Communications
AGCAustralian Gold Council
AGCAsian Greek Council
AGCGeneral Communications Vessel (US Navy)
AGCAt a Glance Chapter
AGCAssociation Généalogique de la Charente (French: Charente Genealogical Association; Cherente, France)
AGCAvid Gaming Community
AGCAdvantest Green Corporation (Japan)
AGCAfrican Ground Council
AGCAtlantic Gulf Communities
AGCArea Generation Control (electric utility)
AGCAdvanced Gas Centrifuge
AGCAgent Based Grid Computing
AGCChief Aerographer's Mate (Naval rating)
AGCAmphibious Group Command
AGCAntenna Gain Control
AGCArmy General Counsel
AGCAir Ground Co-Operative ATS (Air Traffic Services)
AGCAsociación Guatemalteca de Cardiología (Guatemala)
AGCAdaptive Gaussian Classifier
AGCAgreed Cost of Repairs
AGCAttack Group Commander
AGCAccess Gateway Controller
AGCAudiographics Conferencing
AGCAdvanced Graduate Certification
AGCAtari Games Corp.
AGCAnala Goat Company (Beasley, Texas)
AGCAlgebraic-Geometric Code
AGCActive Test Set Generator and Comparator