Acronym | Definition |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AGC | Automotive Glass Cartridge (fuse) |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control (US DoD) |
AGC | Associated General Contractors |
AGC | Associated General Contractors of America |
AGC | Apollo Guidance Computer (NASA) |
AGC | Attorney-General's Chambers (Singapore) |
AGC | Agrochemicals |
AGC | American Game Cartridges (Chandler, AZ) |
AGC | Ashanti Goldfields Company (Ghana) |
AGC | Australian Girls Choir (est. 1984) |
AGC | Automatic Generation Control (electric utilities; power systems) |
AGC | Army Geospatial Center (USACE) |
AGC | Associate General Counsel |
AGC | Advanced Ground Contact |
AGC | Adaptive Gain Control |
AGC | Automatic Generation Control |
AGC | Atypical Glandular Cells |
AGC | Aspartate/Glutamate Carrier |
AGC | Allegheny County Airport (airport code, Pittsburgh, PA ) |
AGC | Asahi Glass Company |
AGC | Amador Gold Corp. (Canada) |
AGC | Advanced Gastric Cancer |
AGC | Annual Giving Campaign (various organizations) |
AGC | Adjutant General's Corps |
AGC | Art Glass Ceramic |
AGC | Automatic Gauge Control (steel industry) |
AGC | Aggrecan |
AGC | Aggressive Content (behavioral health) |
AGC | Absolute Granulocyte Count |
AGC | Attorney Grievance Commission |
AGC | American General Corporation |
AGC | Association of Graphic Communications |
AGC | Association of Global Custodians (bank group) |
AGC | Arkansas Geological Commission |
AGC | American Greyhound Council |
AGC | Accelerated Global Connections (networking) |
AGC | Adjustable Gain Control (less common) |
AGC | Asia Global Crossing Ltd. |
AGC | Associated Gospel Churches |
AGC | Alternative Grand Campaign (gaming) |
AGC | Academic Governing Council (various organizations) |
AGC | Automatic Guided Cart (material handling) |
AGC | Aerojet General Corporation |
AGC | Agricultural Genetics Company (UK) |
AGC | Advanced Graduate Certificate |
AGC | Ausclad Group of Companies (Perth, Australia) |
AGC | Adult Gaming Centre (UK) |
AGC | Agriculture Canada |
AGC | Air-Ground Communications |
AGC | Australian Gold Council |
AGC | Asian Greek Council |
AGC | General Communications Vessel (US Navy) |
AGC | At a Glance Chapter |
AGC | Association Généalogique de la Charente (French: Charente Genealogical Association; Cherente, France) |
AGC | Avid Gaming Community |
AGC | Advantest Green Corporation (Japan) |
AGC | African Ground Council |
AGC | Atlantic Gulf Communities |
AGC | Area Generation Control (electric utility) |
AGC | Advanced Gas Centrifuge |
AGC | Agent Based Grid Computing |
AGC | Chief Aerographer's Mate (Naval rating) |
AGC | Amphibious Group Command |
AGC | Antenna Gain Control |
AGC | Army General Counsel |
AGC | Air Ground Co-Operative ATS (Air Traffic Services) |
AGC | Asociación Guatemalteca de Cardiología (Guatemala) |
AGC | Adaptive Gaussian Classifier |
AGC | Agreed Cost of Repairs |
AGC | Attack Group Commander |
AGC | Access Gateway Controller |
AGC | Audiographics Conferencing |
AGC | Advanced Graduate Certification |
AGC | Atari Games Corp. |
AGC | Anala Goat Company (Beasley, Texas) |
AGC | Algebraic-Geometric Code |
AGC | Active Test Set Generator and Comparator |