Acronym | Definition |
MLPC | Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People (Central African Republic) |
MLPC | Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada |
MLPC | Medical-Legal Partnership for Children (est. 1993) |
MLPC | Maine Lobster Promotion Council |
MLPC | Mouvement pour la Libération du Peuple Centrafricain (French: Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People; political party; Central African Republic) |
MLPC | Multi-Lineage Progenitor Cell (cell lines; BioE Corporation) |
MLPC | McLean Presbyterian Church (Virginia) |
MLPC | Mine Labour Protection Campaign (India) |
MLPC | Mawson Lakes Podiatry Clinic (Australia) |
MLPC | Money Laundering Prevention Center |
MLPC | Mound Laser and Photonics Center, Inc. (Miamisburg, OH) |
MLPC | Midwest Lakes Policy Center (Madison, Wisconsin) |
MLPC | Multidimensional Locus of Pain Control (questionnaire) |
MLPC | Multi-Lingual Psychotherapy Centre (various locations) |
MLPC | Medical Logistics Proponent Committee (Tricare) |
MLPC | Movimento Luta Pro-Creche (Portuguese: Pro-Nursery Movement; Brazil) |
MLPC | Merrill Lynch Philanthropy Committee |
MLPC | Mortgage Licensing Policy Committee (Conference of State Bank Supervisors; Washington, DC) |
MLPC | Maximum Likelihood Pixel Classifier |
MLPC | Maui Land and Pineapple Co. (Hawaii) |
MLPC | Michigan License Plate Club |
MLPC | Multilayer Piezoelectric Ceramics (ultrasound imaging) |
MLPC | Manufacture Landaise des Produits Chimiques (French: Landaise Manufacturer of Chemicals) |
MLPC | Mindanao Livestock Production Center (USDA) |