Acronym | Definition |
MOI | Ministry of Information (various locations) |
MOI | Moment Of Inertia |
MOI | Ministry of Investment (various locations) |
MOI | Moment of Inspiration (3D modeling software) |
MOI | Method of Instruction |
MOI | Medium of Instruction (education) |
MOI | Mothers of Invention (band) |
MOI | Multiplicity of Infection |
MOI | Molecules of Interest |
MOI | Method of Implementation |
MOI | Men of Integrity (ministry) |
MOI | Method of Inspection (various companies) |
MOI | Ministry of the Interior |
MOI | Ministry of Industry (Vietnam) |
MOI | Mechanism Of Injury |
MOI | Mechanism of Injury (medical reports) |
MOI | Mine of Information |
MOI | Memorandum of Intent |
MOI | Men of Issachar (ministry) |
MOI | Memorandum of Information |
MOI | Mars Orbit Insertion |
MOI | Memorandum Of Instruction |
MOI | Model Identification |
MOI | Marine Officer Instructor |
MOI | Mode of Inheritance (genetics) |
MOI | Memorandum of Insurance |
MOI | Mode of Infection |
MOI | Multiple on Investment (finance) |
MOI | Meteorological Organization of Iran |
MOI | Minority Owned Institution |
MOI | moiety of infection |
MOI | Medical Optical Imaging |
MOI | Maintenance Operating Instruction |
MOI | Machine Operating Instructions |
MOI | Message of Intent |
MOI | Missing on Induction |
MOI | Military Occupational Information |
MOI | Manner of Infection |
MOI | Modern Optical Instrumentation (China State Key Laboratory) |
MOI | Mode of Inoculation |
MOI | Most Outstanding Intern |
MOI | Media of Inspection |
MOI | Mitcham Orchestra Inc. (South Australia) |
MOI | Machinery Operation Instruction |
MOI | Model Operating Instruction |
MOI | Manner of Inoculation |
MOI | Message Of Operational Intent |
MOI | Marketing Operations Interface |