MOIMinistry of Information (various locations)
MOIMoment Of Inertia
MOIMinistry of Investment (various locations)
MOIMoment of Inspiration (3D modeling software)
MOIMethod of Instruction
MOIMedium of Instruction (education)
MOIMothers of Invention (band)
MOIMultiplicity of Infection
MOIMolecules of Interest
MOIMethod of Implementation
MOIMen of Integrity (ministry)
MOIMethod of Inspection (various companies)
MOIMinistry of the Interior
MOIMinistry of Industry (Vietnam)
MOIMechanism Of Injury
MOIMechanism of Injury (medical reports)
MOIMine of Information
MOIMemorandum of Intent
MOIMen of Issachar (ministry)
MOIMemorandum of Information
MOIMars Orbit Insertion
MOIMemorandum Of Instruction
MOIModel Identification
MOIMarine Officer Instructor
MOIMode of Inheritance (genetics)
MOIMemorandum of Insurance
MOIMode of Infection
MOIMultiple on Investment (finance)
MOIMeteorological Organization of Iran
MOIMinority Owned Institution
MOImoiety of infection
MOIMedical Optical Imaging
MOIMaintenance Operating Instruction
MOIMachine Operating Instructions
MOIMessage of Intent
MOIMissing on Induction
MOIMilitary Occupational Information
MOIManner of Infection
MOIModern Optical Instrumentation (China State Key Laboratory)
MOIMode of Inoculation
MOIMost Outstanding Intern
MOIMedia of Inspection
MOIMitcham Orchestra Inc. (South Australia)
MOIMachinery Operation Instruction
MOIModel Operating Instruction
MOIManner of Inoculation
MOIMessage Of Operational Intent
MOIMarketing Operations Interface