Acronym | Definition |
LME | London Metal Exchange (UK) |
LME | Loi de Modernisation de l'Economie (French: Economy Modernization Act) |
LME | Limited Maintenence Electrician |
LME | Let Me Explain |
LME | Large Marine Ecosystem |
LME | Liability Management Exercise (finance) |
LME | Local Management Entity |
LME | Liquid Malt Extract |
LME | Layer Management Entity |
LME | Licensed Master Esthetician (dermatology) |
LME | Liquid Metal Embrittlement |
LME | Lightweight Maintenance Enclosure |
LME | Labor, Material, Equipment (goods measurement) |
LME | Lethal Military Equipment |
LME | Local Multiplier Effect (finance) |
LME | Large Memory-Enabled (Microsoft) |
LME | Line Monitoring Equipment |
LME | Lepidoptera of Middle East |
LME | Last Man on Earth (movie) |
LME | Liquid Motion in a Rotating Tank Experiment |
LME | Linkage Message Exchange |
LME | Line Module Equipment |
LME | Liquid Management Experiment |
LME | Laboratoire de Modélisation Environnementale (French: Environmental Modeling Laboratory) |
LME | Lower Maintenance Expense |
LME | Leaky-Mode Excitation |
LME | Large Modern Ecotype |
LME | Lloyd's Mirror Effect |
LME | Least Mean Entropy |
LME | Legion Medal of Excellence (The Royal Canadian Legion) |
LME | Lunar Module Engine |
LME | Logistics MANPRINT Evaluation |