LMELondon Metal Exchange (UK)
LMELoi de Modernisation de l'Economie (French: Economy Modernization Act)
LMELimited Maintenence Electrician
LMELet Me Explain
LMELarge Marine Ecosystem
LMELiability Management Exercise (finance)
LMELocal Management Entity
LMELiquid Malt Extract
LMELayer Management Entity
LMELicensed Master Esthetician (dermatology)
LMELiquid Metal Embrittlement
LMELightweight Maintenance Enclosure
LMELabor, Material, Equipment (goods measurement)
LMELethal Military Equipment
LMELocal Multiplier Effect (finance)
LMELarge Memory-Enabled (Microsoft)
LMELine Monitoring Equipment
LMELepidoptera of Middle East
LMELast Man on Earth (movie)
LMELiquid Motion in a Rotating Tank Experiment
LMELinkage Message Exchange
LMELine Module Equipment
LMELiquid Management Experiment
LMELaboratoire de Modélisation Environnementale (French: Environmental Modeling Laboratory)
LMELower Maintenance Expense
LMELeaky-Mode Excitation
LMELarge Modern Ecotype
LMELloyd's Mirror Effect
LMELeast Mean Entropy
LMELegion Medal of Excellence (The Royal Canadian Legion)
LMELunar Module Engine
LMELogistics MANPRINT Evaluation