Acronym | Definition |
LMI | Labor Market Information |
LMI | Local Management Interface |
LMI | Le Monde Informatique (French: Data Processing World) |
LMI | Lista Monumentelor Istorice (Romanian: List of Historical Monuments) |
LMI | Logistics Management Institute |
LMI | Low to Moderate Income |
LMI | Lean Management Institut (Germany) |
LMI | Linear Matrix Inequality |
LMI | License Management International |
LMI | Linux Mark Institute |
LMI | Legemiddelindustriforeningen (Norway) |
LMI | Leadership Management Institute (various locations) |
LMI | Lantheus Medical Imaging (North Billerica, MA) |
LMI | Les Mills International (New Zealand) |
LMI | Logistics Management, Inc. (Masachusetts) |
LMI | Load Moment Indicator |
LMI | Lender's Mortgage Insurance |
LMI | Logistics Management Information |
LMI | Link Management Interface |
LMI | Litigation Management, Inc. (Cleveland, OH) |
LMI | Layer Management Interface |
LMI | Lead Market Initiative (EU) |
LMI | Life Measurement, Inc. (medical devices) |
LMI | Leadership Management International, Inc. |
LMI | Liverpool Medical Institution (UK) |
LMI | Large and Medium Industries |
LMI | Log Management and Intelligence (computer logs) |
LMI | Language Matters, Inc. |
LMI | License Management International, LLC |
LMI | Local Memory Interface (semiconductor industry) |
LMI | Lisp Machine Incorporated |
LMI | Live Male Infant |
LMI | Little Marsh Island (Jacksonville, FL) |
LMI | Laser/Materials Interaction |
LMI | Laboratory Microsystems Incorporated |
LMI | Laundry Machine Interface |
LMI | Langley Management Instructions |
LMI | Lateral Movement Index |
LMI | Light-Matter Interaction |
LMI | Local Market Integration |
LMI | Laboratory Management Institute (University of California, Davis) |
LMI | Last Minute Item |
LMI | Like-Minded Individual |
LMI | Liga Maya Internacional (Spanish: Maya International League; Costa Rica) |