LIRLabor and Industrial Relations (various organizations)
LIRLocal Internet Registry
LIRLoi Concernant l'Impôt sur le Revenu (French: Income Tax Law; Luxembourg)
LIRLoad Instruction Register
LIRLithium Ion Recharge
LIRLet It Rip
LIRLocation Information Request
LIRLibrary Instruction Room (various locations)
LIRLaboratory Investigation Report
LIRLaboratoires Internationaux de Recherche (International Research Laboratories Association)
LIRLexicon Istoric Retic (Swiss encyclopedia)
LIRLine Item Review (various organizations)
LIRLey del Impuesto A La Renta (Spanish: Income Tax Law)
LIRLiberia, Costa Rica - Liberia (Airport Code)
LIRLondon Irish Rifles (UK regiment)
LIRLocation Inventory Report
LIRLaboratory Implementation Requirements
LIRLaser Incident Report
LIRLink Incident Report (Cisco)
LIRLow Intermediate Representation
LIRLoad Instruction Report
LIRLateral Impulse Reaction
LIRLepidoptera of Iran