Acronym | Definition |
LVM | Logical Volume Manager |
LVM | Liikenne- ja Viestintäministeriö (Finnish: Ministry of Transport and Communications; Helsinki) |
LVM | Linux Volume Manager |
LVM | Location Verification Module |
LVM | Left Ventricular Mass |
LVM | Landwirtschaftlicher Versicherungsverein Muenster (German insurance company) |
LVM | Las Vegas Magazine (Henderson, NV) |
LVM | Linux Virtual Machine |
LVM | Low Voltage Monitor (electronic equipment) |
LVM | Las Vegas Monorail |
LVM | Low-Volume Manufacturing |
LVM | Livingston, Montana (Airport Code) |
LVM | Latent Variable Model |
LVM | Lombard Vehicle Management (Royal Bank of Scotland; UK) |
LVM | Left Voice Mail |
LVM | Line Verification Module |
LVM | Low Value Material (USDA) |
LVM | Low Volatility Metals |
LVM | Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao (main islands in the Philippines) |
LVM | Least-squares Variational Method |
LVM | Large Volume Manager |
LVM | Large Volume Mailer (Canada Post) |
LVM | Liquid Vacuum Melt |
LVM | Layered Video Multicast |