LEOLow Earth Orbit
LEOLeopard (German tank)
LEOLaw Enforcement Officer
LEOLaw Enforcement Online
LEOLearn English Online
LEOLos Elfos Oscuros (Spanish: The Dark Elves)
LEOLink Everything Online
LEOLiteracy Education Online
LEOLaw Enforcement Organization
LEOLeander Extended Opportunity (Leander, TX)
LEOLyons Electronic Office
LEOLong-term Ecosystem Observatory
LEOLaw Enforcement Office (National Park Service)
LEOLingua Et Opinio (electronic journal; German)
LEOLaunch and Early Orbit
LEOLeadership Experience Opportunity
LEOLocal Exchange Officer
LEOLeading Empowered Organisations (leadership initiative, nursing)
LEOLose Electrons Oxidation
LEOLet Export Order
LEOLocal Economic Opportunities (Kingston, NY)
LEOLeaders of East Orlando (Florida, USA)
LEOLow Energy Orbit
LEOListen, Enrich, Optimize (business consulting process)
LEOLow Elliptical Orbit
LEOLogistics and Engineering Operations
LEOLabour Enforcement Officer (India)
LEOLocal Exchange Order
LEOLake Environmental Outreach