Acronym | Definition |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LEO | Leopard (German tank) |
LEO | Law Enforcement Officer |
LEO | Law Enforcement Online |
LEO | Learn English Online |
LEO | Los Elfos Oscuros (Spanish: The Dark Elves) |
LEO | Link Everything Online |
LEO | Literacy Education Online |
LEO | Law Enforcement Organization |
LEO | Leander Extended Opportunity (Leander, TX) |
LEO | Lyons Electronic Office |
LEO | Long-term Ecosystem Observatory |
LEO | Law Enforcement Office (National Park Service) |
LEO | Lingua Et Opinio (electronic journal; German) |
LEO | Launch and Early Orbit |
LEO | Leadership Experience Opportunity |
LEO | Local Exchange Officer |
LEO | Leading Empowered Organisations (leadership initiative, nursing) |
LEO | Lose Electrons Oxidation |
LEO | Let Export Order |
LEO | Local Economic Opportunities (Kingston, NY) |
LEO | Leaders of East Orlando (Florida, USA) |
LEO | Low Energy Orbit |
LEO | Listen, Enrich, Optimize (business consulting process) |
LEO | Low Elliptical Orbit |
LEO | Logistics and Engineering Operations |
LEO | Labour Enforcement Officer (India) |
LEO | Local Exchange Order |
LEO | Lake Environmental Outreach |