AIArtificial Intelligence
AIAdobe Illustrator (and file extension)
AIAmnesty International (human rights organization)
AIAir India (airline code)
AIArt Institute (art schools)
AIAmerican Idol (TV show)
AIAdditional Information
AIAppraisal Institute
AIAutomotive Industries (trade publication)
AIThe Art Institutes
AIAll Inclusive (hospitality industry)
AIAll in (poker)
AIAction Item
AIAvailability (Inherent)
AIAnalog Input
AIAnguilla (top-level domain name)
AIAllen Iverson (basketball player)
AIAppreciative Inquiry
AIAscension Island (South Atlantic oceanic island)
AIArea of Interest
AIAdequate Intake (Institute of Medicine nutrition standard)
AIActive Ingredient
AIAvian Influenza (aka Bird Flu)
AIAcademic Institution (education)
AIApplication Integration
AIAgenda Item (various organizations)
AIArtificial Insemination
AIAppleinsider (Apple rumor site)
AIAllegheny (airline code)
AIAmerican Idiot (Green Day music album)
AIAsphalt Institute
AIAudio Interface
AIAdministrative Instruction (US DoD)
AIApplied Innovations
AIAd Interim
AIAssurance Invalidité
AIAsociación de Internautas (Spanish)
AIAspen Institute
AIAnchorage-Independent (cells)
AIAndre Iguodala (basketball player)
AIAutomatic Identification
AIAutomated Information
AIAppenzell Innerrhoden (Swiss Half Canton)
AIAvengers Initiative (charity)
AIArt Index
AIAuthentication Information
AIAmnioinfusion (obstetrics)
AIArea Index
AIAromatase Inhibitor
AIAllergology International (Japanese Society of Allergology)
AIApplication Interface
AIArmy Intelligence
AIAdrenal Insufficiency
AIAleutian Islands
AIAirbus Industrie (currently AIRBUS)
AIAirborne Intercept (radar)
AIAir Interface
AIAuxiliary Input
AIAnimation Insider (website)
AIAngiotensin I
AIAdvance Information
AIAutomatic Indexing
AIApplication Identifier (bindery packaging standards)
AIAortic Insufficiency
AIAir Inlet
AIAir Interdiction
AIAeronautical Information
AIAccuracy International
AIAttitude Indicator
AIArea of Influence
AIArticulation Index
AIAirspeed Indicator
AIAssociate Instructor
AIAssistant Inspector
AIAsset Integration (US Air Force)
AIAnalytical Information
AIAdditional Insured (life insurance)
AIAdditional Issue
AIAlzheimer Italia
AIAccredited Investor
AIAstrobiology Institute (NASA)
AIAerosol Index
AIAir Intelligence (officer)
AIAdvocacy Institute
AIAnime Insider
AIAortic Incompetence
AIAirborne Interceptor (US DoD)
AIAccident Investigator
AIAtomics International
AIAppenzell Inner-Rhoden (canton postcode, Switzerland)
AIAcoustic Imaging
AIAbrasiveness Index
AIAir Intercept(or)
AIAir Ionizer
AIApplication Instance (SAP)
AIAssociate Investigator
AIAdapter Interface
AIAutomatic Input
AIAirborne Intercept
AIAirborne Interception
AIAircraft Identification
AIAdministrative Investigation (law enforcement)
AIAggregate Income
AIAmplifier Input
AIAsynchronous Interface (AT&T)
AIAlarm Interface (AT&T)
AIAuthorized Inspector
AIAntenna Impedance
AIAuricula Izquierda (Spanish: Left Atrium)
AIAmplitude Information
AIAssignment Instructions
AIAnticosti Island (St Lawrence River)
AIArcane Intellect (World of Warcraft gaming spell)
AIAircraft Incident
AIAction Indicator (ISDN)
AIAlternative Interrogation
AIAlpha Institute
AIAccidental Insurance
AIAnime Invasion (website)
AIAssistant Investigator
AIAirborne Intelligence
AIAged Individual
AIAzimuth Indicator
AIAltrusa International (Columbus, OH)
AIAircraft Inspector (also seen as A/I)
AIAbridged Index
AIAvailable for Issue
AIAcquisition Instruction
AIArchive Invalidation (software development)
AIAGRSUD International (France)
AIAssociative Ionization
AIAutistically Impaired
AIAlliance of Independents (Niue)
AIAccountability Individual
AIAnswer Indicator
AIActivity Interrupt (ITU-T)
AIAustropa Interconvention (Vienna, Austria)
AIAlarm Inhibit (Sprint)
AIAlpines International
AIAutomatic Investing
AIAirfield Index
AIArchitects Instruction
AIAnno Inventionis (Latin: in the year of discovery)
AIAcid Injector
AIAccess Issuing
AIAnarchy Incorporated
AIAssociated Investigator
AIAdmittance Inverter (microwave circuits)
AIAnus Injection (procedure)
AIAmbience Internet (Gold Coast, Australia)
AIArbitration Interval (serial data bus time delay)
AIAlternating Isometrics (PNF technique)
AIAirways Indicator
AISignaling Identification Assigned by Exchange A
AIAlloisoleucine Isoleucine
AIInherent Availability/Ability
AIAiducation International (education charity)