Acronym | Definition |
MOA | Making of America (Cornell University) |
MOA | Memorandum Of Agreement |
MOA | Memorandom of Association (legal document) |
MOA | Mall of America |
MOA | Ministry of Agriculture |
MOA | Minute of Angle (measurement) |
MOA | Master of Arms (weapon) |
MOA | Mechanism of Action |
MOA | Mark of Athena |
MOA | Method of Administration (various organizations) |
MOA | Museum of Art |
MOA | Mount Olympus Academy (Joan Holub Goddess Girls series) |
MOA | Municipality Of Anchorage |
MOA | Mall of Asia (Philippines) |
MOA | Mode of Action |
MOA | Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (French) |
MOA | Medal of Honor (game) |
MOA | Matrix Output Amplifier |
MOA | Medical Office Assistant |
MOA | Military Operations Area |
MOA | Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics |
MOA | Minnesota Orchestral Association |
MOA | Minute of Arc |
MOA | Method of Analysis |
MOA | Military Operating Area |
MOA | Move on Already |
MOA | Man of Action |
MOA | Made of Awesome |
MOA | Market Opportunity Analysis |
MOA | Miscellaneous Offences Act (Zimbabwe) |
MOA | Mercenaries of Alliance (Star Wars gaming guild) |
MOA | Moyen-Orient et Afrique (French: Middle East and Africa) |
MOA | Mercenary of Abaddon (gaming clan) |
MOA | Macromedia Open Architecture |
MOA | Missouri Optometric Association |
MOA | Michigan Optometric Association |
MOA | Motor Oil Additive |
MOA | Minimum Order Amount (retail) |
MOA | Marketing Outsource Associates, Inc. (Columbia, MD) |
MOA | Monsters of Art |
MOA | Massachusetts Orthopaedic Association |
MOA | Managed Object Agent (Nortel) |
MOA | Mission Oriented Approach |
MOA | Method Of Accomplishment |
MOA | Union Ministry of Agriculture (India) |
MOA | Meteorology, Ozone and Aerosol |
MOA | Morons of America |
MOA | Measure of Aggregation |
MOA | Mouse Anatomy Ontology |
MOA | Mark of Amber (gaming, Dungeons & Dragons) |
MOA | Mission Operations Area |
MOA | Medium Observation Aircraft |
MOA | Minions of Abyss (gaming clan, Israel) |
MOA | Match on Action |
MOA | Management Operations Audit |
MOA | Missing On Arrival |